Christianity: Worthy of Used Piss and Saliva, Little Else
Posted by alex in Christianity at 9:15 pm | 
I have no respect for Christianity because it makes weaklings of potential men. I’ve been watching Fox News, which caters solely to Christian right-wing idiots, to be nearly doubly redundant, and the same people who complain that aborted fetuses are never seen on tv are evidently too weak to see pictures of the corpses of innocent Lebanese civilians murdered by jewish bombs provided by America.
Obese, oblivious pussies – that is what makes up 90% of the American public, and I defy anyone to dispute it. I further defy anyone to dispute that Christianity, with its reality-is-optional mentality, is more than any other factor responsible for otherwise intelligent White men allowing jews to take over.
Christ is for cunts of both sexes.
17 July, 2006 at 9:40 pm
Hey Alex, how’s it going?
Thought you might want to visit my website. Might find it interesting.
By the way, I’m actually not a FULL Jew. I’m both Jewish and Aryan, paradoxically enough. That is, my mother is Jewish and my father is Aryan. Where do I stand in the racialist hierarchy? Am I a “kike” or am I a “White man”?
I consider myself both.
17 July, 2006 at 9:56 pm
Self-promoting in your first post? Head on over to Jerry Taylor’s, his nose doesn’t work so good.
17 July, 2006 at 10:11 pm
i disagree ayrans as we know them were savages until Christianity tought them reason
17 July, 2006 at 11:00 pm
i agree with alex 100%
want a phenomenal, first-class analysis of the harmful effects of christianty?
read nietzsche’s THE ANTI-CHRIST.
one of his last works.
and in some of his later works, he condemns christianity, but not so thoroughly and convincingly as in THE ANTI-CHRIST.
you can find the text online (mencken has a great translation) very easily in many places; just search engine it.
17 July, 2006 at 11:40 pm
‘Jackumup’, you need to expand your horizons beyond the cooked book. If you research the European Bronze Age in any encyclopedia, you would hopefully change your opinion. The “barbarian” canard about Keltic & Germanic Europe is just that, another historical lie.
18 July, 2006 at 5:04 am
Savages, yes, like the Romans and the Greeks. And look at the Persians, Chinese and Japanese – cave-dwellers until Christianity taught them to build houses, right?
I have yet to find a Christian who will be honest about history.
While Christianity spread among the slaves and the servants and the poor in the Roman Empire, telling them the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first in the imminent Judgment Day, the Mithras Cult spread among the warriors and the elite. Then Constantine, in a moment of insanity, thought he saw a cross in the sun, and decided his troops would paint a cross on their shields a few days later when attacking Rome. Unfortunately he had more soldiers than the defenders, and won the battle. Otherwise we would have had the Mithras Cult now, a White religion, a normal religion without pacifism and slave morality and without worship of a book full of Jewish stories.
I wonder what it must feel like to be a WN and still worship a book that tells tales about Jews from the first page to the last. Talk about schizophrenic.
18 July, 2006 at 6:29 am
It took Europeans until the 18th century at least to catch up with the knowledge of the ancient non-Christian Greeks. Rome was a great empire but it didn,t last to long after it became Christian. From these lofty heights we slipped into a dark age that lasted over a thousand years, and it,s probably going to happen again. And whether future tan-man will be able to climb out of the coming dark age is another story in itself.
18 July, 2006 at 6:53 am
One need only read the words of Der Führer. He quite rightly pointed out that Christianity is naught but a Jewish invention created solely for the purpose of keeping “Christians” arguing and sidetracked down a road of conundrum laden insanity.
Some of us have chosen the road less blighted.
18 July, 2006 at 7:06 am
Well technically, Alex, 90% of Americans are not obese. Oblivious, yes.
There is no doubt that Americans have grossly degenerated from the founding stock. We thought nothing of hanging tax collectors for even a minor thing such as a stamp tax around the time of the revolution. Now we’re completely burdened with taxes, debt, Jews, and non-whites. We’ve lost our pioneer spirit. How do we get it back, if we can?
18 July, 2006 at 7:19 am
I wouldn’t necessarily blame Christianity for our weakness, but rather a really good distraction. In its current Judeo-Christian form, sure I’d agree with that.
Ted Pike does a lot of good work against organized Jewry, something I don’t see anyone else doing, and he’s Christian.
I don’t think Christianity is the best form of religion for keeping our people strong and proud.
18 July, 2006 at 8:59 am
If there had not been Christianity the white man would have been much worse off and western civilization wouldn’t have taken off.
No keepers of knowledge during the medieval period (dark ages), no Renaissance, probably no scientific revolution as we know it, and probably no concept of free enterprize or growth of the middle classes in W. Europe.
Certainly no growth of freedom for the individual. In fact, the whole concept of individual rights and freedoms (which have are being destroyed in one generation by the jews) evolved out of a Christian concept.
So, Alex, it;’s a two edged thing.
Of course, the real damage has been done by the Untermeyer-financed Scofield bible which set up a mind set which guaranteed instant knee jerk support for the Zionist enterprize. Very cunnning and far sighted indeed !
18 July, 2006 at 2:17 pm
Good job Alex…. u really got the cooks out en masse with this one.
18 July, 2006 at 2:44 pm
hey niggerking:
i assume you meant the word to be “kooks” (crazies)
instead of “cooks” (those who prepare food).
maybe i’m wrong, but i think your nigger ass can’t spell
18 July, 2006 at 7:26 pm
I believe he means cooks, as in “cooking” the missionaries in boiling pots- like in the nineteeth century.
19 July, 2006 at 12:46 pm
Ted Pike does a lot of good work against organized Jewry, something I don’t see anyone else doing, and he’s Christian.
He accurately describes the jews’ attacks on free speech, but I don’t think he’s concerned about race, more than he won’t be able to denounce homos from the pulpit.
20 July, 2006 at 9:34 am
So… Spell Checker .. you dont have a problem with the content of my posting …. you just dont like my spelling … well sir .. im proud of you … you’re growing up to be a good white boy … and even with your inferior mutated mind.. you too are able to recognize crazies when you see them … impressive.
20 July, 2006 at 11:16 am
Paul what are you smoking today? How can you attribute the Renaissance, scientific revolution, free enterprise and individual freedom to Christian concepts? If anything, the reverse is true. And keepers of knowledge during the dark ages? Who ushered in the dark ages in the first place? Who burned the library at Alexandria thereby destroying the accumulated knowledge of the ancient world? Who burned those who questioned fairy tales at the stake? Who retarded scientific investigation unless it advanced said fairy tales? Who would censor artworks unless they advanced the fairy tales? Oh, I get it. It was those Christian concepts. Nothings has changed right up to today. Witness the Christian idiot in the white house vetoing stem cell research. Morons then, morons now. Dupes of the jew.
20 July, 2006 at 3:20 pm
notice the reasoning power of niggerking, which is typical of all niggerbeasts:
the monkey assumes i’m agreeing with its message because i pointed out what i thought (correctly) to be its meaning in the word thus spelled incorrectly: kooks. this in no way implied that i agreed with the message of said gorilla.
to spell it out to the sub-human ape: I SEE NO KOOKS (maybe cooks, i don’t know everyone’s personal habits) responding here.
but, i do see a pre-human monkeyman who apes human typing skills responding here
21 July, 2006 at 8:20 am
Spell Checker Says:
The 20th of July, 2006 at 3:20 pm
notice the reasoning power of niggerking, which is typical of all niggerbeasts:
the monkey assumes i’m agreeing with its message because i pointed out what i thought (correctly) to be its meaning in the word thus spelled incorrectly: kooks. this in no way implied that i agreed with the message of said gorilla.
to spell it out to the sub-human ape: I SEE NO KOOKS (maybe cooks, i don’t know everyone’s personal habits) responding here.
but, i do see a pre-human monkeyman who apes human typing skills responding here
oh … ok … thanks!! :0)
29 July, 2006 at 4:42 pm
I think it is more accurate to say Jews reinvented Christianity, or Christ’s word, if you will. They have tried to mess with it (as everything) constantly. The bottom line is, if anyone messes with them (in their opinion), they go after them hammer and tongs, thru proxies preferably.
16 January, 2007 at 11:22 pm
I don’t mind at all giving my name and location. No one reads the Bible anymore; hence, all the confusion. Neither Jesus or any Apostle had anything good to say about the Christ-denying Jews that crucified Him. He will judge not only the wicked Jews, but every single soul in this world that dies without repentance and receiving Him as their personal Savior. It is imperative that we do not allow the purveyors of error rob us of our free Salvation through Christ. History trumps religion. Christianity has a history and its major OT stories are interspersed throughout the ancient world in over 250 cultures. Minoa, Hawaii, for example, means Noah’s waters. Only satan wins when we die w/o Christ. Don’t let the wolves like Reverends Liberal and Nimrod deprive you of a marvelous eternity. Listen to Pete Peters, Scriptures for America. This is one of the few American pastors, who warns of us becoming a modern Babylon, job outsourcing and the coming horrific New World Order. God is not mocked. and won’t let it happen. He’s coming soon. Don’t spend eternity with the enemies of Jesus. PLEASE!