24 June, 2006
The latest from Luke O’Farrell
Posted by alex in heretical.com at 9:31 pm |
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The Blight of Nations
Below you can see a propaganda photo from the Second World War. It shows a White British man laughing as he reads a leaflet dropped by the Luftwaffe over Britain in 1940. The leaflet is “A Last Appeal to Reason” by Adolf Hitler.
Would that man still be laughing if he had known what lay ahead for Britain? Millions of aliens swarming across his homeland’s borders to add to the millions already here, a jigaboo called “Sir� Trevor Phillips lecturing Whites on how to accelerate their own destruction, and the British prime minister frantically sucking up to the race responsible for the whole disaster?
6 July, 2006 at 11:53 pm
jimbo and biff made excellent points, and I can see a theme worth developing:
In so many words, jimbo noted that we can contribute to WN organizations, and, indeed (here is the tie-in to biff) have pretty much a moral obligation to do so, WHILE WE CAN.
Biff Baxter wrote:
I’m 100% serious when I say that if the White Race lost 3/4s of it’s population in the coming World War, it would be the greatest blessing ever bestowed on us. It would improve the gene pool to an almost unbelievable degree.
in reply:
My thinking is not as far removed for yours as it may have been just a few years ago. One consequence of the Awakening is that, without actively trying, you will develop the ability to see the RACIAL issue in terms of clear, bright moral clarity.
From THAT, it is a short step to realizing you have a moral DUTY to do SOMETHING about it; if possible, something, EVERY DAY.
Biff Baxter wrote:
Radiation, hunger, disease and natural attrition could do for us what the glacial periods normally do … they sharpen and refine our genes to get rid of the extreme baggage and dirty chromosomal trash we’re dragging with us today. We’ve gone too long without a cull – following the Inquisition and three major wars of quality destruction (one civil, two world wars) has cost us our best elements and whittled our genetic stock down to where there are a hundred oxygen stealing slack jawed mental defectives for every white man who can walk and chew gum at the same time.
in reply:
Read any Nizetzsche lately?
The Culture ALWAYS starts with a few who have been chosen by God, their character honed on the wheel of extraordinary adversity, and their souls TOTALLY focused on ONE ISSUE – the transformation of the world in which they find themselves into the world it should damn well BECOME.
These few begin by being what they want the world to become.
Biff Baxter wrote:
I’m not picky – I just want to see whites who can tell me how many fingers they have and can roughly remember what year it is and what planet they are on. Such people are a rarified few nowadays and there is no way this sick, toxic collection of walking excuses for abortion can preserve this society for much more than the next decade at the outside.
in reply:
I think you have just described the goddamn “Greatest Generation,” those cowards and Weak Men who fought for the approval of our RACIAL ENEMIES, giving two-thirds of Europe to the Jews (Oh! I’m sorry! Did I offened someone? Should I have used the word “Communists” to hide their true nature? Fuck you.) THEN, the cowardly bastards stood silently by when their children were forced to RACIALLY integrate “their” schools at bayonet point, with those bayonets held by other members of the goddamned “Greatest Generation.” THEN, the cowardly bastards silently supported the “Civil Rights Revolution,” and watched silently as “Affirmative Action” took their children’s future away from them.
Biff Baxter wrote:
There’s a world war coming, it’s going to be nuclear and to survive it you’re going to have to use your real brains, not your TV brains. Be prepared to batten up when it gets here and survive the first three years at least. When it’s over it will be a whole new ballgame for those who are still alive.
in reply:
My, but we will be able to define the moral issues with crystal clarity, won’t we?
We’d better.
The idea that ALL of my ancestors overcame tremednous obstacles just to give our posterity the opportunities they seem to joyfully squander is all the reason I need for Motivation.
That’s why, as a damn MORAL DUTY, I send some money to Hal Turner and Alex Linder, EACH AND EVERY MONTH.
THEY are out there taking the hits for us; the least we can do is help them along; after all, THEY are fighting OUR fight from the Front.
As we become deeply unemployed, we shall have little choice bot to join them, one way or another.
THAT is a test worthy of any class in History, and Moral Philosophy.
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
7 July, 2006 at 11:32 pm
I know you don’t like hear it, but as a Waffen SS on Russian front from June 22, 1941 to the end, I was wounded six times and finished in a hospital — you don’t like to hear it, but I think it’s good we lose the war. I also glad we fought to the end. In March 1945, if I remember right the date not exactly sure, but near the end, all Waffen SS brought together for meeting, Himmler there too. Himmler says war is lost, you are all relieved of your oath and you can go home. This is such a great thing I tell you, NOT ONE of them go home. They all fight to the bitter end. But you see there were many Stauffenberg. They Sieg Heil but don’t really mean it.
It’s OK. Nature gonna weed out the dummies. I know it’s gonna work. But we got to focus on each other, building up our community to make it through the tough times. Let Nature take care of the dummies. Forget about the Jew. They gonna destroy themselves. We got to learn & relearn National Socialism. Keep the flame burning. When everything is right, maybe 1,000 years I don’t know, but we gonna make it.
My granite memorial is the main thing — to the 17 million expelled from their homelands, 7 million non-German Europeans killed, 3 million Germans killed, 3.25 million soldiers, 1 million civilians in air war. I don’t even like to think of the women & girls … you know what happened. See, the news people they don’t can talk about this. Everybody know Hitler bad and why, right? … but they don’t know what happened at the end and after the end of the war. Got no answer for that so the news can’t talk about that. I gotta get the word out so the young people especially can know the truth! Not even the best judge in the world can make a decision without hearing both sides. So let the people hear the truth. The truth shall set you free!
Of course, Hitler was the greatest leader of all time. So I also have an honorary hall. When he come to power he tell the factories they gotta filter the air, got free health care for everybody, and NO DOPE! Hitler was for the people. Maybe we get another guy like that in a 1,000 years if we’re lucky. He wasn’t against nobody, he was an advocate for his people. But it wasn’t time. Too many just go along. But the fight is good, we gotta show that without a fight you finished. Nature gonna weed out the dummies so we gotta get strong. Steady & strong. National Socialism gonna win.
7 July, 2006 at 11:36 pm
I am Ted Junker. Have you heard about me?
I know you don’t like hear it, but as a Waffen SS on Russian front from June 22, 1941 to the end, I was wounded six times and finished in a hospital — you don’t like to hear it, but I think it’s good we lose the war. I also glad we fought to the end. In March 1945, if I remember right the date not exactly sure, but near the end, all Waffen SS brought together for meeting, Himmler there too. Himmler says war is lost, you are all relieved of your oath and you can go home. This is such a great thing I tell you, NOT ONE of them go home. They all fight to the bitter end. But you see there were many Stauffenberg. They Sieg Heil but don’t really mean it.
It’s OK. Nature gonna weed out the dummies. I know it’s gonna work. But we got to focus on each other, building up our community to make it through the tough times. Let Nature take care of the dummies. Forget about the Jew. They gonna destroy themselves. We got to learn & relearn National Socialism. Keep the flame burning. When everything is right, maybe 1,000 years I don’t know, but we gonna make it.
My granite memorial is the main thing — to the 17 million expelled from their homelands, 7 million non-German Europeans killed, 3 million Germans killed, 3.25 million soldiers, 1 million civilians in air war. I don’t even like to think of the women & girls … you know what happened. See, the news people they don’t can talk about this. Everybody know Hitler bad and why, right? … but they don’t know what happened at the end and after the end of the war. Got no answer for that so the news can’t talk about that. I gotta get the word out so the young people especially can know the truth! Not even the best judge in the world can make a decision without hearing both sides. So let the people hear the truth. The truth shall set you free!
Of course, Hitler was the greatest leader of all time. So I also have an honorary hall. When he come to power he tell the factories they gotta filter the air, got free health care for everybody, and NO DOPE! Hitler was for the people. Maybe we get another guy like that in a 1,000 years if we’re lucky. He wasn’t against nobody, he was an advocate for his people. But it wasn’t time. Too many just go along. But the fight is good, we gotta show that without a fight you finished. Nature gonna weed out the dummies so we gotta get strong. Steady & strong. National Socialism gonna win.
8 July, 2006 at 1:00 am
Respectfully, Ted…
Ted Junker wrote:
It’s OK. Nature gonna weed out the dummies. I know it’s gonna work. But we got to focus on each other, building up our community to make it through the tough times. Let Nature take care of the dummies. Forget about the Jew. They gonna destroy themselves. We got to learn & relearn National Socialism. Keep the flame burning. When everything is right, maybe 1,000 years I don’t know, but we gonna make it.
in reply:
I maintain that Nature is not a blind, unreasoning process; rather, “Nature” is the outworking of God’s Will – define God how you will – AND, the Framework in which WE are tested, and CHOOSE how to ACt, and REACT, to the situation around us – on ALL levels.
WE, of all creatures, can say “No” to God; WE, of all creatures, uniquely, have the Ego needed for true freedom; with that tremendous power comes tremendous responsibility.
Yet, “Nature” should not be our Goal; rather, “Nature” is the Framework for the schoolhouse that we are born into, for the purpose of spiritual learning.
“Nature,” for example, includes cholera; WE build public water and sewer treatment plants, and remove the threat of “natural” cholera; we devise these through ACTIVELY USING our UNIQUE gifts as THE CREATIVE RACE.
“Nature” takes care of the “dummies,” but the “dummies” have PLANS for us, ALL of us, and we have the RACIAL duty to defend the gifts earned for us by our Ancestors in this RACIAL war.
I am not worried about the Jews ultimately destroying themselves; in all of THEIR scanarios, they plan to take us with them, as REVENGE, the spiritual force that is at the very heart of the Jew. *THAT* is worth worrying about.
I am worried about the JEW winning by default, for whenever the JEW wins, WE lose – WE, our ancestors who fought and died for every benefit we have, and our posterity, who seem doomed to living as second class citizens in what will become a Third World Country, all LOSE the greatest test of all – “What did you do with what you had?” (You will recognize the Parable of the Talents, of course.)
The irony is tragic; while we accepted the Jew, they NEVER accepted us, ALWAYS seeing us as fools to be conquered. As Peter Shank so astutely noted, they took over our country without firing a shot, through control of the money system, the political system, and, above all, the Culture.
In a way, dealing with the Jew is the Cultural equivalent of an IQ test; are we smart enough to see them as they are, and deal with them intelligently, defending the very Cultural foundation of Civilization, OR…
Are we going to fall for them?
The answer is pretty obvious, at least as of this late date.
I agree with the idea that the Ideal of National Socialism is well worth defending as the UNIQUE political system that defends the RACE at the NATIONAL level, against ALL other social forms, and against ALL other RACES.
That places DUTY above DESIRE; the DUTY to do better above the DESIRE to enjoy your life for your own sake.
“Duty to what?” you may ask.
DUTY to something far greater than yourself, and your egocentric snares.
DUTY to your RACE.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna appears to his Follower, Arjunah. Arjunah is paralyzed by fear from attacking the Enemy on the Plains of Kurushetra; on both sides of the Enemy are his close relatives.
Krishna informed Arjunah that the Mind, a TOOL of the Spirit, was playing tricks on him, and to remember that HIS FIRST DUTY WAS TO HIS RACE.
This moved Arjunah off his Ego-imnposed state of learned helplessness, and he proceeded JOYOUSLY into battle, a true Holy War.
The result?
Arjunah’s intervention was just enough to balance the scales, and allowed the destruction of BOTH sides in the battle; this, in turn, marked the proper end of the Age of the Warrior, and laid the perfect groundwork for the Age of the Philosopher.
We must follow Arjunah’s excellent example, as so many great men in our history have – Hitler, and his many associates in the moment where the Creative RACE tried to stand against the total perfidy of the Asiatic Hive Consciousness that is the hallmark of the JEW, our Eternal RACIAL Enemy.
After all, we have been paralyzed into the constructive equivalent of helplessness by ACCEPTING the Enemy’s defintions of who we are, and WHAT we stand for, to our detriment.
Think of our next generation of Leaders coming up; Alex Linder, Peter Shank, the NSM’s Jim Ramm, ALL have paid an incredible personal price for simply being aware of the Jew, and how the JEW works against us, totally, remorselessly, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
See how THEY chose not to see themselves as helpless victims, but, using the CREATIVE power that is the hallmark of our RACE, took what the Mind saw as an implacable obstacle, and transformed it, with the CREATIVE power of the SPIRIT of OUR RACE, into an opportunity.
Let us follow the example of ALl of the leaders of National Socialism, and bear in mind the TRUE Source of the National Socialist Ideal:
“This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of
strength descends upon those in its service.” – Francis Parker Yockey,
8 July, 2006 at 5:40 am
re: ‘Bavarian Gauleiter’
ta! comrade…..u did my work for me……i answered Vadim’s stuff on a previous posting (well: sort of ‘answered’ it!…..
‘Goering’s final lttr to Churchill’, i think it was) but no-where as detailed and comprehensive as yrs…..OK: i admit it……i’m a bit of a lazy prick there!
8 July, 2006 at 6:12 am
re: Ted Junker Says:
I am Ted Junker. Have you heard about me?
yeh i think so….aren’t you the fellow with the ‘Hitler mueseum’ or sumthin’?
where was it again? Oregon? Ohio?…….HEIL comrade!
yeh we’re gunna win!
OTW: this world’s finished
Hitler foreseen it towards the end.
The ‘1000-yr Reich’ was not nor did not have to be Germany 1933—
It’s still to come
Hitler also said that another greater even than he would appear.
(he already knew that it wasn’t him!)
Whatever creedence (or not) that you want to give that, i believe it.
The Laws of Nature are immutable and irreversible.
As a ‘creator’, that’s my religion.
Almost all guvmints now are anti-nature (@least: all ZOG ones are! unfortunately: that’s most of them!)
The appearance of a man who is, to paraphrase Devi, simultaneously ‘in time, against time and above time’ is inevitable….just as it is inevitable and pre-programmed that an immune system will produce anti-bodies against an invading toxin.
Devi called him the ‘Kalki Avatar’ and envisaged him as a combination of Ghengis Khan, Adolf Hitler and the pharoh Akhenation.
He will put an end to this current ‘Dark Age’ or Kali Yuga.
He will also put an end to all its mercenaries, minions and apologists.
And usher in a new ‘golden age’ where men are subservient to Nature and, hence, know how to utilise it properly.
An Age where the White Race will finally achieve its true Destiny……the colonisation of the stars!
Again: place what ever weight you like on this.
But, i believe that current events are rapidly moving towards this conclusion.
That’s how i interpret them any-way!
I’m firmly convinced that The Age of the Kike is over (or: almost over) and that The Time of the Aryan is here.
8 July, 2006 at 10:58 am
few words abourt Uncle Joe or Stalin or Jakob Dzugasvili – in georgian it means – Dzuga = jew and vili means son …
so his name is in translation Jakob Son of a Jew (JewSon) …
more intresting stuff – http://judicial-inc.biz/1_master_supreme.htm
9 July, 2006 at 3:14 am
Bavarian Gauleiter:
Thank u for responding to my post. I am merely stating my views,
so I’m not after everyone just agreeing with everything I say.
My point actually was that A.H. was not after the jews,and his goals
were of a nationalist and imperialist. Jewish banking,media, and secret society system of control and influence was in Hitlers way,as they would not allow any white government to achive a considerable degree of independence from their influence and control.Hitler succeded in breaking free of their control,but I believe he misused such freedom for a refighting of ww-1 and igniting a biggest slaughter of white man ever in history of mankind. Was a pride and some small lands lost to Versaille treaty worth
it to put a whole generation of white race under ground to rot?
How can a murder of one white man by the other be admired..?
WW-2 was a mistake,and it was Germany hat started it,it was Germany that fired a first shot. As D.Irving wrote,Hitler was after following the teutonic path to the East. That is a path of conquest of the slavs
that was attempted by Germany back in dark ages. AH apparently tried to reconnect with this sort of germanic/roman medival armed conquest culture.
Ukrainian ww-2 refference is a rather controvercial one çause it’s
probably easy to describe as being between the hammer and the anvil.
You had a perspective of opression from Stalin,and in the same time
you had a german occupation that persecuted any attempt at national identity among ukrainians,worked many of them in gulag style camps,
practiced planned atrocities,stole food and resources at a cost of decease and starvation among the millions of ukrainians.
It’s a fact that german forces drafted under duress ukrainian solders for
their fighting formations,it’s also true that there were those that volunteered to fight red army with germans. The only honorable choce was
to fight the communists and to fight german repressive occupation.
My own grandfather was in the thick of things,fighting german occupants in Serbia face to face for years. He admired the discipline and deadly efficiency of germans, and he mentioned atrocities as such were observed by him personally.
Just because something is not in line with a myth of Hitler’s army never doing wrong,it doesn’t mean that things that actually happened in the East
didn’t happen. Soviet Communist government was no longer heavily jewish
in the 40-s, and Hitler never understood that ZOG runs both East and West behind the scenes. He only saw red and wanted to destroy it,while
the source of ZOG power was never in the East and destruction of communism would not hurt ZOG terribly much as it was merely a straw man,a twisted product of ZOG, but not ZOG itself.
He never got this as he was blinded by fake racial misconceptions.
He never changed his view about eastern slav infiriority,and it’s obvious
that he didn’t even from the fact that he didn’t allow the ukrainans have
even that which he allowed to czechs and hungarians. Aparently,uks were so infirior in his view that they had no right to their own land or a state.
Another point I wanted to make is that I believe that it was not bacause
Germany lost the war that there are niggers fully infesting USA cities.
It was because american white men watched their children put on busses with niggers by force,and did nothing. It was not up to Hitler to save white ppl from themselves,from not willing to defend themselves,enen if he did win the war. If u let niggers and mexishits to take all which is yours from you,u have only yourselves to blame.
9 July, 2006 at 3:05 pm
Re Jimbo,
It is very heart-warming to believe that “The Age of the Kike” is almost over, but unfortunately I cannot discern the least evidence for this rosey picture!
Every day our people grow weaker while the arrogance of the muds and all our other enemies become stronger. Just get out of the car and walk a few miles through ANY western city to appraise yourself of the task, probably an impossible one, facing us.
I’m not a defeatist, but the time for the time for serious action is fast approaching. If we miss the brief window of opportunity we will not get a second one.
We are also deluding ourselves to think that our voice represents significant section of White opinion or that it is even heard by a fraction of Whites.
If present demographic trends continue, and all evidence indicates that the adverse effects are accelerating, then by 2050 there will not be one presently White country with a White majority!
Does a 700 year fight-back as in medieval Spain, or even a 100 year one, make any sense at all?
Hail Victory!
9 July, 2006 at 5:59 pm
Re Vadim,
Absolutely right, the Soviet Union was a ZOG creation. Therefore Hitler was attacking only an instrument, a puppet. The hydra lay firmly ensconced in London and New York.
Again, why don’t Americans get off their ass, sow their balls back on and take some positive action against bussing?
10 July, 2006 at 2:30 am
Vadim says (yet again!….sigh!):
‘You had a perspective of opression from Stalin,and in the same time you had a german occupation that persecuted any attempt at national identity among ukrainians,worked many of them in gulag style camps, practiced planned atrocities,stole food and resources at a cost of decease and starvation among the millions of ukrainians.
He admired the discipline and deadly efficiency of germans, and he mentioned atrocities as such were observed by him personally.
Just because something is not in line with a myth of Hitler’s army never doing wrong,it doesn’t mean that things that actually happened in the East
didn’t happen’
10 July, 2006 at 2:40 am
Vadim says (yet again!….sigh!):
‘You had a perspective of opression from Stalin,and in the same time you had a german occupation that persecuted any attempt at national identity among ukrainians,worked many of them in gulag style camps, practiced planned atrocities,stole food and resources at a cost of decease and starvation among the millions of ukrainians…..
(My own grandfather was in the thick of things,fighting german occupants in Serbia face to face for years)……
He admired the discipline and deadly efficiency of germans, and he mentioned atrocities as such were observed by him personally.
Just because something is not in line with a myth of Hitler’s army never doing wrong,it doesn’t mean that things that actually happened in the East
didn’t happen’
you can’t seriously expect these allegations of German ‘atrocities’ to be taken seriously until you provide:
i/units of the German Army and/or SS involved;
ii/dates, times & places where such incidents are alleged to have occurred; iii/names of officers/NCOs involved;
iv/verification of the above via official Wehrmacht/SS records;
(v/i might add to these four points a fifth: namely: production of ENIGMA intercepts…all Wehrmacht and SS Police units[who would have been involved in such incidents rather than Waffen SS] committed a log of their activities in meticulous detail to coded ENIGMA transmissions up until virtually the end of the war.
The Germans never suspected that their codes had been cracked.
Those transmission intercepts, mostly from Bletchley Park, outside London, are still on file.
The fact that none have, AFAIK, ever been produced to back up either ‘atrocity stories’ like the above and/or vrs HollowHoax fairy tales weighs very heavily indeed against the cogency of such ‘accounts’)
you’ve been challenged on this sort of ‘hearsay evidence’ before i think.
10 July, 2006 at 10:48 am
Multiculturalism and diversity are the posthumous revenge of Adolph Hitler.
Just think about it.
Once branded as the losers of WWII, everybody was required to think that whatever was the exact opposite of Nazi ideology must be true. No matter how self evidently false. It’s a stupid “conclusion.” It’s crazy. It’s insane. You can laugh all you want, but just open the window and tell me if that is not the flawed logic that destroyed the West.
The Nazis said that Yoos unchecked would destroy Western Civilization. That’s exactly what they did.
10 July, 2006 at 3:52 pm
i OPENLY defy multicultarlism and “diversity” every change i get, even on the job.
i don’t care; fire me, motherfuckers, and i’ll live off the state then.
that should be all our attitudes; a FUCK YOU attitude to everyone and everything, especially in AMERIKA, where you still can’t arrested for speaking your mind.
if the worst that can happen is losing your stupid pathetic little job, then lose it, and get money from the government to live.
or the very worst might be getting brick through your window; so the fuck what??? BE MEN, not wimps!
10 July, 2006 at 9:02 pm
A fascinating point by Brother Baxter.
Biff Baxter wrote:
Multiculturalism and diversity are the posthumous revenge of Adolph Hitler.
Just think about it.
Once branded as the losers of WWII, everybody was required to think that whatever was the exact opposite of Nazi ideology must be true. No matter how self evidently false. It’s a stupid “conclusion.� It’s crazy. It’s insane. You can laugh all you want, but just open the window and tell me if that is not the flawed logic that destroyed the West.
The Nazis said that Yoos unchecked would destroy Western Civilization. That’s exactly what they did.
in reply:
This is an excellent point.
It is all the stronger is we recall the National Socialism, which Rosenberg correctly defined as the correct alternative to the false duality offered by the Jews – Communism or Capitalism – has been vicoulsy attacked from its onset by the one group that controlled the false duality.
The Jews.
The Jews are FOR one thing, and one thing alone; total world power for the Jews.
They are against ANYTHING that does not support that goal.
This gives them an enormous advantage over the rest of us, who try to balance conflict goals in a nominally democratic system.
Thus, the Jew recognized that the unique political structure that Western Civilization has developed as a CULTURAL response to the needs of the nation-state – the National Socialist system – was the EXACT OPPOSITE of the Jewish, tribal, Asiatic Hive-Consciousness society.
One society was on its way to the stars; the other could only look on in helpless envy, and overwhelming rage, and plot the total destruction – economic, politically, culturally – of the system that had demonstrated that Jews were destined for Marx’s dustbin of history.
Thus, the Jewish – and, for all Jew-controlled social systems – default response to National Socialism was TOTAL WAR on all fronts, even before Hitler took office!
When Hitler took office, in a Germany that was freezing to death in the dark, teh victim of a TOTAL Jewish war against them, HE focused on removing the Jewish yokes that had bound the German people and kept them down.
As the yokes of Jewish control were removed, the inherent Creative Builder RACE assumed its rightful destiny, turning an industrial economy into the most advanced economy in the world, EVEN AS THE JEW-INSPIRED AND CONTROLLED “GREAT DEPRESSION” WAS SINKING ALL OTHER WESTERN NATIONS INTO A PRE-INDUSTRIAL STATE OF COLLAPSE.
The example offered by NSDAP Germany had to be fought and destroyed, at all costs; the Morgenthau Plan, for instance, developed by the Jew Morgenthau, intended to turn post-war Germany into a preindustrial, pastoral society – as gelded as a nation, and a people, could be.
So, the American people chose to fight in a war the Jew won; the Jew-controlled Soviet Union (simply replace the word “Soviet” with the words “Jew-controlled,” and it makes so much sense!) and other Jews won the war, a war, like America’s Civil War, where Aryan brother fought Aryan brother.
Since then, all of the Ideals that would organically manifest in a National Socialist State have been vehemently fought by the so-called “Greatest Generation,” and their heirs have adopted a joyous sense of seeking national suicide for what parts of America were at least of Western Civilization, the organic foundation of a National Socialist State.
This is a blind, lemming-like response, dictated to the Lemmings by their Jewish rulers who are merely doing what the Jews do so often, and so well, they literally have a name for it – tikkun olam – transforming a society to make it subservient to Jews, collectively. “Cultural Destruction Are Us,” they might say.
Of course, this means destroying the Host society, but the parasite really has no concern for that whatsoever.
Think about it.
The Jews state, with an air of wounded moral superiority, that “more than one hundred nations have kicked Jews out.”
The first response is simple – “Yes, and not a one of them want the Jews back.”
The second response is a bit more complex: “The people of those nations trusted the Jews, and the Jews destroyed the productive capacity of those nations, literally stealing or destroying the foundations of national wealth.”
We are next on the list.
Not surprising, that.
I dream with silent horror of the Third World Nightmare called America As It Will Become that our posterity shall inherit. I watch with bemused anger as the self-proclaimed “Greatest Generation,” two-thirds of whom were drafted into the Armed Forces, and the other third of which faced eternal unemployment, fought a nation that represented the best hope for Western Man, and then stood silently by as their children were forced into racially integrated public schools at bayonet point, strip any hope of a future from their grandchildren in the name of their entitlements.
I was at the library when two of the “Greatest Generation” were discussing how bad things had become. I asked them what they thought America would be like in twenty years. They said, “Oh, it’ll be horrible. All of the jobs gone overseas, and the illegals taking over the cities, man, it will be Hell on Earth around here!”
He laughed.
His friend laughed with him in agreement.
I said, “Why don’t you think about doing something about it.”
He LAUGHED, and said, “Hell with ’em, Son, I’ll be long gone by them. It’s up to your generation to figure it out.”
Again, he laughed.
Again, his friend laughed with him.
Keeping my anger in check – it took some doing – I said, with a smile, “You know, I know what needs to be done, but it’s a lot of work, and it might not be all that pleasant for a good many people. I suspect I will have a lot of allies on my side in this battle, one way or another.”
The first gentleman laughed.
“Who’s going to join your army, Son?”
My answer was simple.
“When they are tired of being unemployed, unemployable, mocked, scorned, cold, hungry, and being treated at third-class citizens in a Third World Country, I’ll tell you where I’ll find my army.”
Laughter again.
“Where’s that, Son?”
My reply was quietly delivered.
“Cold, poor, hungry, and dispossessed in what was THEIR land, your grandchildren shall join my cause, and we shall make it Our Cause.”
I walked right up to him, and said it again, in just two words, spoken slowly, to great effect.
“Your grandchildren.”
He stopped, and jerked as if, for a moment, the hase of medicated miasma had slipped from his eyes.
I continued:
“Your grandchildren, surrounded by their Enemies, freezing to death and starving to death in the dark, forced to go to a school system that replaces education with indoctrination, YOUR GRANDCHILDREN shall join MY fight, and make it OUR FIGHT.”
He, and his friend, were speechless, as I turned, and walked away, with one thought in my mind:
“The hour is late, and there is much to do.”
Left my copy of “Imperium” around here somewhere, oh….
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
11 July, 2006 at 8:00 am
Re Know Your Enemy,
Good stuff, let me just quote the late and great Commander George Lincoln Rockwell:
“White Men, stand up and fight!”
13 July, 2006 at 10:57 am
I am a newbie to this web site so fellow readers please excuse me if I have come to the wrong place with these ideas. I am English of Anglo Saxon roots, blue eyed and flaxen haired. Patriot, nationalist and proud.
The old boy in the photo would probably be delighted to learn that 1. We beat the murdering Nazi bastards into the ground. 2. Great Britain and its people enjoy a standard of living today unheard of in the 1940’s. Yes there are too many foreigners over here and yes the potential danger of Muslim extremists and a Balkanisation should be taken very seriously. Action must be taken. But given a choice between defeat and submission to the Nazi’s I reckon that “Old Cockney Sparrow� would have fought tooth and nail for what we have now.
As for old Adolf being some great protector of the Nordic people. Firstly he hated most other European races i.e. Slavs, Poles etc. Secondly when the war started to turn against them he was pretty quick in dispensing millions of more Germans to the morgue both military personnel and civilians. Plus he wasn’t against starving his fellow Nordic peoples of Rotterdam to death at war end.
If you think he would have treated us English any differently then you are in cloud cuckoo land.
Cry “God for Harry! England and Saint George”
13 July, 2006 at 6:30 pm
Re Athalstan,
WN aren’t saying that Adolf was a saintly pacifist, but he did sincerely offer Britain partnership in building Aryan unity. This offer was foolishly rejected but Hitler still hoped that saner counsels would prevail. Armistices were offered after the fall of France (Dunkirk) and also after the Battle of Britain.
Nothing was forthcoming so Hess in desperation flew to Scotland to personally broker an honorable peace.
One thing is crystal clear; since the end of WW11 the international jew has been using his chosen instruments of high finance and bolshevism to COMPLETELY destroy the White Race and Western Civilisation.
If this sounds too strong or implausible to you, all I can say is that after reading fairly widely and impartially this conclusion is inescapable.
May I suggest you start by reading David Duke’s work “My Awakening”, and after that tackle William Gayley Simpson’s magnum opus “Which Way Western Man”. A difficult but rewarding read.
PS Jimbo, maybe you can provide some WW11 detail here?
13 July, 2006 at 8:47 pm
Contrast Adolf Hitler’s treatment of British soldiers at Dunkirk to Arthur Harris’ and England’s treatment of German civilians in a number of cities.
13 July, 2006 at 8:48 pm
To Athalstan Warrior:
Resepectfully, brother, please consider…
Athalstan Warrior Says:
I am a newbie to this web site so fellow readers please excuse me if I have come to the wrong place with these ideas. I am English of Anglo Saxon roots, blue eyed and flaxen haired. Patriot, nationalist and proud.
in reply:
Intellectual honesty welcomes all honest discussants, and all intelelctually honest, openly held opinions.
That is pretty much THE hallmark of VNN; that, and, of course, our motto:
Athalstan Warrior wrote:
The old boy in the photo would probably be delighted to learn that 1. We beat the murdering Nazi bastards into the ground.
in reply:
“The old boy in the photo” was prohibited from knowing the economic and industrial miracle that had taken in NSDAP Germany, an economy that has harnessed the unique Aspect of Western Civilization, Creative Builders Into Infinite Space – apologies for the paraphrase of Spengler.
“The old boy in the photo” was prohibited from seeing German-made cruise ships, with vactioning German WORKINGMEN and their families, because these ships were forbidden from entering British ports; I guess they were all too obvious an example of the superiority of National Socialism over the imploding British economy.
And, remember, “the murdering German bastards” let TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN THOUSAND BRITISH TROOPS walk away from their humiliating defeat at the hands of von Runstedt at Dunkirk. Blumetti describes this in very moving terms in Chapter 7, “Defeat at Dunkirk,” of his wonderful book, “The Lion Is Humbled.”
As well, numerous professional military historians have written of the totally magnanimous action of a Hitler who truly did not want war with Great Britain, a Hitler who made no less than NINE separate peace offers to the British Leadership, ALL of which were summarily rejected. “Hitler’s table Talk,” edited by Trevor-Roper, contains numerous conversations where Hitler spoke of the advantages of the Greater British Empire, with Germany controlling Eurasia, to their mutual benefit.
Athalstan Warrior wrote:
2. Great Britain and its people enjoy a standard of living today unheard of in the 1940’s.
in reply:
ALL of us are trapped in Third World economies compared to what would have happened had the Aryan genocidal event of World War II had not happened. One outcome was even depicted in a comic series by Warren Ellis called “Ministry of Space.” (You “won” in that one, of course, but it speaks of the incredible rise in technology curves that were happening under what many see as GERMAN technology, but should also be seen as the flowering of the Creative Spirit of the Builder Race, the Men of the West.)
And, who really won?
The Asiatics – the JEWS – who controlled the Soviet Union, Communism, and a good bit of Roosevelt’s political power. ALL of these are simply representations of Jews, and Judaism, under a different name, and demonstrate that Jews will seek to control ALL sides of an issues, in their demonic desire to control and subjugate ALL of Mankind.
Athalstan Warrior wrote:
Yes there are too many foreigners over here and yes the potential danger of Muslim extremists and a Balkanisation should be taken very seriously. Action must be taken. But given a choice between defeat and submission to the Nazi’s I reckon that “Old Cockney Sparrow� would have fought tooth and nail for what we have now.
in reply:
When you could have a Mars colony, and a truly independent economy?
Do you see how much “the Old Cockney Sparrow” has accepted the values of OUR eternal RACIAL enemy?
And, as for what you “have now,” does that include foreign control of your entire automotive industry, as well?
Athalstan Warrior wrote:
As for old Adolf being some great protector of the Nordic people. Firstly he hated most other European races i.e. Slavs, Poles etc.
in reply:
Marx thought Polish Jews were “the shittiest people in the world.” I don’t have the cite for that close to hand, sorry.
And, as for the “other races,” look at the nations (“races”) that united in the Waffen SS.
Hitler offered each their own form of government in a National Socialist “Common Market.”
Athalstan Warrior wrote:
Secondly when the war started to turn against them he was pretty quick in dispensing millions of more Germans to the morgue both military personnel and civilians. Plus he wasn’t against starving his fellow Nordic peoples of Rotterdam to death at war end.
in reply:
The end of wars always change a lot of situaitions; for instance, the Jews like to claim that, at the end, they were on rations of 750 calories a day. So was EVERY SOLDIER IN THE WEHRMACHT – and, trust me, you will use up a LOT of calories in combat.
Athalstan Warrior wrote:
If you think he would have treated us English any differently then you are in cloud cuckoo land.
in reply:
Read “Table Talk,” and you will see otherwise.
Or, as actions ALWAYS speak louder than words, ask any of the TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND BRITISH survivors of Dunkirk…
Athalstan Warrior wrote:
Cry “God for Harry! England and Saint George�
in reply:
Can you still even FLY the Saint George flag, or is that being too “intolerant” of your NEW RACIAL ENEMIES, the people of Londonistan?
If you CAN still fly the flag of Saint George, trust me, it won’t be for long…
Can’t blame Hitler for THAT, can we?
Remember – “NO JEWS, JUST RIGHT!”
Shame Churchill didn’t follow THAT policy…
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
14 July, 2006 at 7:10 am
re: Athalstan Warrior
‘Great Britain and its people enjoy a standard of living today unheard of in the 1940’s’
U must be off with the fairies boyo!
In a few yrs time, it will be like South Africa is now
with whites murdered in their beds & the ‘diversified’ cops turning a blind eye!
here’s the FATE that awaits you & yrs, SCHMUCK!
PRICKS like YOU are the reason the White Power movement can’t get off the ground.
you FUCKAS were bombing German kindergartens, hospitals & orphanages for FOUR MONTHS before the Germans retaliated.
if it wasn’t for HITLER taking on the JewSSR which was poised to sweep over Western Europe(read Irving and Suvorov!) patriotards like YOU would not now be breathing!
Yr ‘country’ was controlled by a GODDAMN KIKE CUNT for 6 yrs which resulted in the deaths of over 50million irreplacable Aryan lives!
YOU are the FUCKAS that should have been on trial for ‘crimes against humanity’
maybe yr a KIKE any-way, hunh?
why don’t u FUCK OFF to Tel AViv and die for the jew if you like them that much!
ONLY the JEW won World War Two
14 July, 2006 at 7:14 am
re: addendum to the above post:
“If the British soldiers in Normandy in 1944 could have looked forward to the end of the century and seen what their country had become, they wouldn’t have bothered to advance more than forty yards up the beach.”
(David Irving)
15 July, 2006 at 12:00 am
Bingo, Alex and New America. Clearly, 70 years of persistant smear, defamation and brainwashing have clouded the thinking of way too many of the “gullible Goyim”. The demonization of the Third Reich has poisoned so many minds, that it is most difficult to reason with those so afflicted. All one can do with toxic mental waste dumps is to plant a seed of doubt and move on to higher ground.
15 July, 2006 at 4:47 am
re: ‘shmuely’
Raspail put it best in ‘Camp of the Saints’
“poisoned by the noxious gases of ‘modern thought'”
15 July, 2006 at 5:13 am
to: those who believe in ZOG ‘fairy tales’;
re: Jew & the WWII beanstalk!
or: ‘Snow White & the seven perverted HYMIES!’
‘NO GO! areas for whites in major UK cities; a dis-armed population @ the mercy of thugs, psychopaths and non-white ‘hoons’;the wealth and blood of Britain once again being WASTED in yet ANOTHER war for the GODDAMN FILTHY JEWS(Iraq!);a basically worthless economy;millions of white people either @ or below the poverty level or living on the streets while gazillions of QUIDs in ‘foreign aid’ is used to expand the populations of worthless MUD PEOPLE so even more can invade the white home-lands; the ’silent genocide’ of the white race(abortion, contraception, homosexuality) being promoted by ZOG schmuels along with feminism and multi-culturalism to the extent that most white British children hardly even know they’re British let alone WHITE!; millions of CCTV cameras monitoring the comings-and-goings of WHITE British subjects 24hrs a day while IGNORING the rampaging gangs of MUDS terrorising the white population;crazy ZOG ‘anti-terrorism laws’ cancelling the liberties and freedoms that Britons had viewed as their birth-rights and had fought long and bloody wars and revolutions to uphold’
NOW imagine what Britain would be like if THE GREATEST WHITE MAN WHO HAS EVER LIVED
had to have prevailed:
*an all-white nation with no niggz, yoos or mudz;
*a low or non-existent crime-rate;
*women & children able to walk the streets after dark;
*people able to leave their front doors un-locked @ night (even in urban areas);
*full employment;
*no homeless people on the streets;
*a prosperous economy with a high standard of living for all white people;
*the right of white men & women to keep and bear arms for self-protection enshrined in LAW;
*a large white population with a large white birth-rate;
*no more ‘schmuels’. instead: white children taught subjects that REALLY MATTER like: mathematics, classical English literature and poetry, Latin and Greek classics, philosophy, general logic, physics, chemistry &c;
*appropriate rôle models for boys & girls: boys taught useful and practical subjects (AS WELL AS important academic disciplines) like: mechanics, carpentry, plumbing and electrical repairs.
Girls taught subjects like ‘home economics’ and house-keeping to prepare them for the important and vital rôle intended for them by Nature: to be wives and mothers bearing many strong, intelligent white children;
no more faggots, feminists and free-masons implementing the destructive policies of the enemies of the White Race;
pornography and abortion done away with!;
a high level of advanced culture with emphasis on classical music, classical architecture and classical painting and the non-yoo main-stream media broadcasting useful, inspiring and informative material to increase the intellectual level of all White People;
15 July, 2006 at 2:18 pm
Bingo, Alex and New America. Clearly, 70 years of persistant smear, defamation and brainwashing have clouded the thinking of way too many of the “gullible Goyim�. The demonization of the Third Reich has poisoned so many minds, that it is most difficult to reason with those so afflicted. All one can do with toxic mental waste dumps is to plant a seed of doubt and move on to higher ground.
in reply:
This is a more important point than many realize; a lot of us have spent too many hours engaged in the functional equivalent of co-dependent relationships, trying to pull the mules of our friends and family’s thinking out of the ditch.
Athalstan Warrior’s commentary included one point that was literally breathtaking in its – let’s be charitable – “misunderstanding” of the situation.
When Athalstan Warrior noted that no one would prefer the economy of 1940 Britain to today, he ignored the tragic reality that, in many ways, the British economy of today is not as far removed from the economy of 1940 as they might wish – especially compared to where they could have been, if they had accepted ANY of Hitler’s NINE peace offers.
Britain fell into the trap laid for them by their RACIAL enemies when Roosevelt’s Jews. who knew the importance of the cultural shift that had taken place in Germany following Bismark’s adoption of Leibniz’s ideas for education and the economy. At ALL costs, the triumph of Western Civilization had to be stopped, and the chosen vehicle, of the self-chosen “Chosen People,” was the British economy.
Look what happened under Lend-Lease.
Britain got all manner of American equipment, made in American, by Americans, supporting the development of the American industrial infrastructure.
Britain received finished goods, and fell ever further behind in tems of industrial technology; they became, economicaly, a vassal state. Roosevelt deliberately – DELIBERATELY – would not export machine tools, and advanced manufacturing processes, to Britain.
SO, Britain consumed more sand more, while producing less and less of substantive value. Draw THAT trend line out, and you see where it leads – a massive devaluation of the pound (of course), and…
Suez, the moment where the American President TOLD the Prime Minister to stop what you are doing, and withdraw your forces, immediately, and the PM said, “Yes, Lord.”
Read Blumetti, just to inspire you, and realize that Hitler – and his successors – would have WANTED the British involved in the Middle East.
He would have had hydropower for Germany, and would have been working on the peaceful use of atomic power, as the advanced European countries are doing, today. (Especially France and…Germany, by the way.)
Instead, your economic state is declining, and your British branded cars, for one example, have become so lacking in substance mere symbols – merely “brands” to be developed by the Germans (BMW, VW), the Americans (Ford), and the Chinese (Shanghai).
Of course, everyone is using computers made by the British firm Intel – oh, sorry.
Well, they are using operating systems developed by the British, like Windows and Linux – oh, sorry.
Well, they are selling wonderful curry in Britain, made just like the Pakistanis do. This fine cuisine is even served with a gracious “fuck you” smile, by the people of…Pakistan. A mere wave of the Magic Citizenship Wand, and, “Behold! A True British Citizen.” Peel WOULD be proud, indeed!
One out of three ain’t bad.
Now, get Ellis’ “Ministry of Space” comics, and begin to realize what your potential was to have been…
And, when you see the “Old Cockney Sparrow,” who rejected “A Last Appeal To Reason,” remind him that we have our version of him, who call themselves “The Greatest Generation.”
They deserve the same old-fashioned ass-whipping he does.
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
15 July, 2006 at 2:30 pm
I don’t agree with a line of reasoning that gives Hitler credit for being a solution to conditions and problems that didn’t even exist in late 30-s and
40-s. Europe and USA of that time were predominantly or fully white,and US niggers were segregated. There were no muds to clean out in Europe.
Hitler didn’t conduct his war in Europe to solve all the contemporary problems. He had fully and purely nationalistic and imperial goals.
And why blame UK for WW-2 if it was Germany that started it?
UK was at war with Germany çause Germany invaded Poland.
It was naive to expect that Britain would join Germany on the assault
on Eastern Europe,considering that Britain prohibited germans of doing exactly that by a Versaille treaty. Hitler would have piece if it was what he desired with England, only if his armies would leave eastern europe and
previous Versaille borders were restored. He would never have piece
with UK just because british had germanic blood,as such things meant nothing to british. He had his nordic unity dreams,but they were an illusion
that was not shared by UK. UK was a capitalist nation that operated on
a basis of their elite’s interest and alliences,not a nordicism theories.
WW-1 was lost by Germany,and it was a matter of miracle to win a
WW-2 for Germany. This miracle didn’t occur in ww-2,the same as
in ww-1. Reason is obvious. Same countries fought against the Germany
in ww-2 as in ww-1. Combined resources and manpower were too far
greater on allied side in both ww’s. Germany couldn’t really win ww-2.
Hitler may have had a chance if he came to USSR as a liberator from
Stalin’s regime, but he came over there as a conqueror and opressor of
slavs,which played in the hands of communists and allowed them to
have support of majority of population of USSR for Red Army.
In conditions when slavs saw Hitler as an enemy,it was impossible
to win ww-2. Combined strenght of USA+fRANCE+UK on one side and
slavs on the other would defeat Germany’s much lower resources
and man-power.AH bet it all on a crazy and impossible gamble and lost.
To keep believing that we have this mud hell on Earth because Hitler
wasn’t allowed to defeat and conquer all other countries is senseless.
It was still white world in 20 years after Germany’s defeat.
Believing in this faulty concept is just a way of avoiding a responsibility
of your own people and of yourself for this tragedy.
Muds terrorize whites for the only reason,and that reason is
that whites don’t resist,instead they fear,they escape,and they do nothing.
It was not Hitler’s defeat(inevitable,anyway) that caused the ZOG Hell,
but white race’s refusal to resist and oppose when their very right to live
is challenged. No coward will inherit the Earth(I don’t remember who said that,but this is the word to live by..).
15 July, 2006 at 5:02 pm
Vadim Says:
I don’t agree with a line of reasoning that gives Hitler credit for being a solution to conditions and problems that didn’t even exist in late 30-s and 40-s. Europe and USA of that time were predominantly or fully white,and
in reply:
Hitler offered National Socialism, the uniquely Western form of government based on the nation-state as an extension of the family. The family and the nations-ate supported and enhanced each other, and National Socialism was – and IS – the best solution to the problem of national governance, for an advanced Western nation.
He offered – and implemented – very real solutions to the problems of the Thirties, even as the rest of the West was imploding into Second World economic status.
Except for the Jewish Elite, of course.
Vadim wrote:
US niggers were segregated. There were no muds to clean out in Europe. Hitler didn’t conduct his war in Europe to solve all the contemporary problems. He had fully and purely nationalistic and imperial goals.
in reply:
Hitler’s goals were always purely nationalistic; he fought only because he had literally no alternative.
Remember, as Suvorov tells us, Stalin had more than ONE MILLION PARATROOPERS at the beginning of World War II, more than the rest of the world combined. And, paratroopers are EXCLUSIVELY an offensive weapon.
Vadim wrote:
And why blame UK for WW-2 if it was Germany that started it?
in reply:
Actually Great Britain declared war FIRST, turning a border dispute into the foundation of a war. They also promised the Poles direct military support for their attacks on German sovereignty. Now you know where the phrase “Perfidious Albion” comes from…
And, Great Britain was silent in the face of the Soviet Union invading Poland.
Now, apply your Linder Lenses – the Linder Paradigm and Corollary – to the situation, and strip away the matters of Form, to reveal the matter of Substance.
The Linder Paradigm – JEWS work relentlessly to CONTROL all sides of an issues to their ends.
The Linder Corollary – ALWAYS look for how the JEWS benefit, to understand how a situation develops.
So, replacing “UK” with “Jewish-controlled UK,” and “Soviet Union” with “Jewish-controlled USSR,” and you see the truth – two groups of Asiatic Children of Satan worked together to destroy the Light of Western Civilization.
Just two groups of JEWS doing what they do so well, destroying their host…
Isn’t that easy?
Locate and identify the Jew, and then, just play “Connect The Dots.”
It would be worthwhile to read Irving’s books, “Churchill’s War” and “Hitler’s War.”
Start with Blumetti, thought, and let your soul be touched with Inspiration.
Vadim wrote:
UK was at war with Germany çause Germany invaded Poland.
in reply:
Why? What dog did the UK have in that hunt?
Read Blumetti and Irving, and gain the understanding that these developments do not occur out of thin air, but by the manipulation of the Jews.
Vadim wrote:
It was naive to expect that Britain would join Germany on the assault on Eastern Europe,considering that Britain prohibited germans of doing exactly that by a Versaille treaty.
in reply:
Let’s put on the Linder Lenses, shall we?
“It was naive to expect that ONE GROUP OF JEWS would join Germany on the assault on ANOTHER GROUP OF JEWS,considering that THE JEWS WHO CONTROLLED BRITAIN prohibited Germans of doing exactly that by a JEWISH-DICTATED Versailles treaty.”
After you have read Blumetti, Richard Watt’s “The Kings Depart,” is an excellent introduction as to what REALLY happened at Versailles,
Vadim wrote:
Hitler would have piece if it was what he desired with England, only if his armies would leave eastern europe and previous Versaille borders were restored.
in reply:
NINE different peace offers from Hitler, and the return of TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN THOUSAND BRITISH TROOPS at Dunkirk.
I’m trying to remember the great things Stalin has done for England…
Read Blumetti’s quotes of Churchill concerning the worth of England’s diplomatic promises…
Vadim wrote:
He would never have piece with UK just because british had germanic blood,as such things meant nothing to british. He had his nordic unity dreams,but they were an illusion that was not shared by UK. UK was a capitalist nation that operated on a basis of their elite’s interest and alliences,not a nordicism theories.
in reply:
Is it true that the House of Hanover – sorry, the House of WINDSOR – has no concerns for “blood.”
Vadim wrote:
WW-1 was lost by Germany, and it was a matter of miracle to win a WW-2 for Germany.
in reply:
Now, put those Linder Lenses ON:
“WW I was lost by Germany DUE TO JEWISH INTERVENTION that brought America in as peace negotiations were under way.”
More in WW II directly.
Vadim wrote:
This miracle didn’t occur in ww-2, the same as in ww-1. Reason is obvious. Same countries fought against the Germany in ww-2 as in ww-1. Combined resources and manpower were too far greater on allied side in both ww’s. Germany couldn’t really win ww-2.
in reply:
Depends on how you define “win.”
Blumetti’s wonderful alternative history lays out a possible, even feasible, plan of “Victory.”
REMEMBER, all Germany wanted was to be alone to develop its people in peace; the Danzig Corridor and a few territorial adjustments to correct the imbalances of Versailles were all that was needed. Remember, a major part of Versailles was stripping necessary agricultural lands from Germany, as well as all natural resources,
You DO realize that Versailles was the triumph of the JEWS, don’t you?
Vadim wrote:
Hitler may have had a chance if he came to USSR as a liberator from Stalin’s regime, but he came over there as a conqueror and opressor of slavs,which played in the hands of communists and allowed them to have support of majority of population of USSR for Red Army.
in reply:
Yes, he should have – and Suvorov goes into detail on just this issue on repeated occasions – simply been the Liberator of the Ukraine, and taken the Romanian oil fields.
In hindsight…
Vadim wrote:
In conditions when slavs saw Hitler as an enemy,it was impossible to win ww-2. Combined strenght of USA+fRANCE+UK on one side and slavs on the other would defeat Germany’s much lower resources and man-power.AH bet it all on a crazy and impossible gamble and lost.
in reply:
Read Suvorov’s excellent analyses of this situation; he agrees with your conclusion, YET…
That’s why we have Blumetti, to learn from history, and ask “what if” questions, and replay the experiment.
Vadim wrote:
To keep believing that we have this mud hell on Earth because Hitler wasn’t allowed to defeat and conquer all other countries is senseless. It was still white world in 20 years after Germany’s defeat.
in reply:
We have this “mud Hell on Earth” – I LIKE that phrase, and, yes, it’s right in line with Blumetti – because we accepted the JEWS definition of what we are, rather than the Christian/Western Civilization/National Socialist conception of WHO were are, WHAT we are, and what we, and our posterity, could well BECOME.
Substitute “should” for “could” in that analysis, and you will be no less accurate. In turn, substitute “Mars Colony” for “Londonistan.”
We have this “mud Hell on Earth” because OUR spiritual foundation is deliberately attacked and perverted by the Children of Satan on all fronts, relentlessly; Hitler’s NSDAP Germany proved these materialistic monsters were simply the natural enemies of Mankind, and, when neutralized, allowed the natural cultural genius of the CREATIVE BUILDER RACE to flourish.
Vadim wrote:
Believing in this faulty concept is just a way of avoiding a responsibility of your own people and of yourself for this tragedy.
in reply:
VNN IS RESPONSIBILITY CENTRAL – as Peter Shank astutely noted, we LET this happen to us!
Those days are OVER! One way or another, those days MUST come to an end!
Vadim wrote:
Muds terrorize whites for the only reason,and that reason is that whites don’t resist,instead they fear,they escape,and they do nothing.
in reply:
This is so true, God, this is so true.
That is a mute testimony to how much the Jews have controlled the Propasphere – the words and pictures of the mass communications medium.
Our posterity shall certainly curse us for this, and rightfully so.
Given our situation, they will probably curse us in Spanglish.
Vadim wrote:
It was not Hitler’s defeat(inevitable,anyway) that caused the ZOG Hell, but white race’s refusal to resist and oppose when their very right to live is challenged. No coward will inherit the Earth(I don’t remember who said that,but this is the word to live by..).
in reply:
This is a stronger point than many realized; if memory serves, it was Goulevitch, writing in “Czarism and Revolution,” noted that the attacks on the White race by the Asiatic JEWS in Russia would eventually extend to the destruction of the White RACE all over the world.
Our very right to exist is being actively challenged on all fronts, and we seem to act as willful co-conspirators.
Shank’s basic point is all the more correct, and all the more powerful: It ALL comes down to FAMILY, RACE, and CULTURE. If we don’t fight like trapped animals for what our ancestors worked so hard to build, while we can, we doom our heirs (and heiresses) to Fourth Class Citizenship, in a Third World Country with Second World Enclaves, governed by a transnational First World Elite.
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
16 July, 2006 at 1:23 am
Thank you Jimbo and New America.
It`s amazing that despite the umpteen rational, factual postings on this subject, some folks just still don`t get it. They probably never will, because they prefer to blindly believe in historical lies and irrational national mythologies. The claim that just because Hitler didn`t conduct an openly declared war of liberation in the East, is not proof positive that he was “brutaly trying to conquer or destroy Slavdom”. Pre-empt and destroy Bolshevisim, you bet, but the charge of mayhem against the Slavic speaking Europeans is way, way out of bounds, just like the “Holocaust” is, Ilya Ehrenberg and his ilk, notwithstanding!
Wartime German “atrocity” stories are clearly not only currently believed in the West, but also in the East. Hitler was an angel compared to Stalin and his kosher cronies. It was a terribly brutal war that should never have been fought, but the Jews baited the trap and Germany and Poland fell into it. From there it expanded on strategic initiatives until German power was spent. Then Germany was brutally gang raped, as planned from the beginning. Hitler knew all of this and that`s why David Hoggan wrote the classic book expaining it called “THE FORCED WAR”. Also see Sanborn, Tansill, Barnes, Topitsch, Nicoll, Magenheimer, Hoffmann et al. The German language literature on the subject is much more prolific, but rarely gets translated and published in English. Incidentally, a superb study of the Versailles “Treaty” and its consequences is the 1933 book by William Dawson, GERMANY UNDER THE TREATY, if you can find it.
To restate the obvious, we white folks throughout the world are in the dangerous trap that we are in today precisely because White Nationalism in Europe, specifically Hitler`s Germany, has been smeared, defamed and demonized to the ludicrous maximum. As another prescient commentator mentioned previously, the uncritical white population has “reasoned” that if everything that Hitler stood for was “bad’, then the opposite must be “good”. Hence, we are witnessing today`s white world of fantasy, delusion and denial, writ large. And, that dear colleagues is one of the major reasons that the dumb white bunnies have bought into the suicidal death wish dilirium of liberalism, Marxism, multi-culturalism, “democracy”, the Boasian “equality” notrums, et al, ad nauseum. Until white people recognize the historical and ideological errors of their ways, they will continue to chase fool`s errands to their racial doom.
16 July, 2006 at 4:40 am
re: Vadim
i’m gettin’ a bit FCKN tired of this character.
he’s been more than satisfactorily answered on a n° of dffrnt occasions but seems to keep regurgitating the same old BULLSHIT arguments.
(‘Germany started WWII’, ‘German atrocities’, ‘jews not to blame for any-thing’ &c!)
one wonders!
OK: let’s keep it short & sweet:
‘I don’t agree with a line of reasoning that gives Hitler credit for being a solution to conditions and problems that didn’t even exist in late 30-s and 40-s’
here’s how the yoo ‘reasoning’ goes:
‘OH! you can’t refuse to let niggaz & mudz into yr country and to give them extral special rights & priveleges because that would mean you are a ‘white nationalist’ and the Nazis were white nationalists and THEY KILLED SIX MILLION JEWS!
you don’t seem to be much of a reader, champ!
i posted up a (free!)dwn/ld lnk for Irving’s books a while back.
did you even bother to dwn/ld them much less actually read them? one wonders
if yr perplexed abt the relationship between WWII & the current state of white nations: then read McDonald
i’v said my piece(s) AFA yr concerned
unless you come back with some detailed rebuttal of Irving, McDonald et al: don’t expect to be answered again(@ least: NOT by ME!)
better things to occupy my time.
to para-phrase Linder: you only really need to know two things, White Man:
16 July, 2006 at 1:32 pm
Excellent post,New America. I wonder if this thread will continue or end
on my post…A few selective comments then.
N.S. was a nationalist formation which is obsolite and ineffective for
the present times. Whence comes my point that Hitler’s N.S. had
nothing to do with dealing with problems of multiracial society
of today,as that was not much of a problem in the white world
of 30-s-40-s.We need to deal with today’s reality,and abondon
the worship of germanic militarism of Hitler, because such things
are alien and dissagreable to majority of whites,who could
otherwise agree with a movement that adresses the mud hell
problem of today.
You don’t need Hitler to see that independent white communities are the answer,because only our individualism allows NWO to destroy our living space and security with their mud invasions. We never help each other,
we don’t support each other at all. If we are in truble,no one will bail us out. It’s really a south african scenario,when typical whites think themselves secure in their blissfull ingorance by being able to move
out of mostly mexican and black overrun cities to the countryside.
Frankly,it ain’t working out for South Africans and neither was it for Rhodesians. Do those ppl really think that as niggers and mexis swell up
and gain more confidence in inpunity,that the faith will spare them being dragged from their beds and being shot or stabbed by beastial mexis or niggers in their *safe countriside neighborhoods*?
So much for those *second world enclaves* in America…
Getting back to ww’s.
Hitler had a choice. A choice to stay the hell away from coming with the war to other white nations which do not threaten Germany.
He had a choice to leave the ballance of Versaille unchanged,
a choice to keep to peace,and concentrate on building independent
white society and showing the white world a peacefull prosperous
Germany. Instead he showed the world a face of invader,the face
of death,destruction,misery,conquest.
WW-1 started as a war between Serbia and Austria. That triggered
all allied nations to either sides,and this is how u have world wars.
If old USSR invaded a nato country like western germany,then
you would have a ww-3,as it would trigger treaty obligations of warsaw pact countries on one side and those of nato on the other.
Hitler’s invasion of Poland did exactly the same thing.
When Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia on march 15 of 1939,
it didn’t start the ww-2,as no foreign alliences were protecting the czechs.
April 1939 was a date when U.K. and France made a treaty with Greece
and Poland to engage in war if these nations are attacked by Germany
and/or Italy.Apparently,such an event was not lost on Ol’ Dolph.
Maybe he thought that Britain would be too scared of German
might to intervine on Poland’s behalf. Maybe he thought that
germanic brothers in U.K. shall not do war on their nordic
breathren in U.K. Bottom line is that it was , like, oxymoron for Hitler
to ignore that if Germany attacks Poland, then that means with 90%
certanity a declaration of war o Germany by England and France.
U.K. didn’t declare a war on soviet union during their invasion
of eastern Poland because their treaty with Poland covered only
a state of war with Germany and Italy,not with other countries.
It was about breaking the Versaille’s balance and borders in Europe.
Besides,Germany has made a partition of Poland treaty with
USSR and was officially a partner and friend of USSR in 1939.
Regarding ww-1.. Kaiser regime and banking elite of germany(jewish)
were working hand in glove. Kaiser made bolshevic revolution in Russia
happen. Kaiser and his his financiers have protected,financed,armed,and transported Lenin and his henchemen to do the hell on REarth for jews in Russia. If u research this subject,u will discover that it was a german military sealed train under german military guard that delivered Lenin
from abroad to Russia. Germany got a desired reward from this
dead,as the very first thing that Lenin did was to withdraw Russia from
fighting Germany. With Russia gone,Germany had a chance of winning,
but Russia’s loss was replaced by USA entering the war,and Germany
was again at sqare one.
ZOG controlled both Kaiser and Allies. It was the industrialists
and bankers who benefited from both world wars. ZOG made money on
Hitlers war just the same as on the first ww..
It was a great misfortune that Hitler played in their hands by starting
the ww-2(he started it by invading Poland,if he stayed away from Poland
or Greece,than there would be no ww-2!).
It’s the war that he should have tried to avoid at all cost,cause loosing
it meant an ultimate apocaliptic takeover by ZOG who will now destroy
the whole offending europid race to protect itself, as it doesn’t want to meet it’s end at the hands of another Hitler.
So Hitler’s following the teutonic path to the east is costing us all today
in having no powerfull opposing force to save us all from today’s mud hell.
16 July, 2006 at 5:06 pm
Vadim wrote:
Excellent post,New America. I wonder if this thread will continue or end
on my post…A few selective comments then.
N.S. was a nationalist formation which is obsolite and ineffective for
the present times.
in reply:
It’s the hidden secret of Scandinavia, an ethnically homogeneous society
of White people, man and women of the West. National Socialism works
beautifully there, because it is the organic development of an advanced
Western -WHITE – society.
The Asiatic Hive Consciousness that is at the cultural foundation of the
Children of Satan, the JEWS, simply can not make their parody of National
Socialism work; their souls do not have the spiritual foundation found in
Western Civilization.
Vadim wrote:
Whence comes my point that Hitler’s N.S. had
nothing to do with dealing with problems of multiracial society
of today,as that was not much of a problem in the white world
of 30-s-40-s.We need to deal with today’s reality,and abondon
the worship of germanic militarism of Hitler, because such things
are alien and dissagreable to majority of whites,who could
otherwise agree with a movement that addresses the mud hell
problem of today.
in reply:
The “MUD HELL PROBLEM OF TODAY” derives PRECISELY from the Jews practice of tikkun olam, the transformation of their host society into a social
order where the parasite can blend in, and then destroy, from within.
See Kevin MacDonald’s excellent analysis of the JEWS impact of US
immigration policy, and, in particular, the dysgenic Immigration Act of
Blindly adopting the forms of NSDAP Germany won’t work; they were for one place, and one time. Yet, the LIFE FORCE that called them forth can create and transform new Forms that flow organically from OUR Culture, and address the needs of OUR Cultural Moment.
Thus, perhaps, after reading “Mein Kampf,” and “Hitler’s Table Talk,” and, especially, Rosenberg’s “Myth of the Twentieth Century,” we should ask, “What Would Hitler Do – TODAY?”
Then, we can focus on the MUD HELL PROBLEM OF TODAY.”
Vadim wrote:
You don’t need Hitler to see that independent white communities are the
answer,because only our individualism allows NWO to destroy our living
space and security with their mud invasions. We never help each other,
we don’t support each other at all. If we are in truble,no one will bail
us out. It’s really a south african scenario,when typical whites think
themselves secure in their blissfull ingorance by being able to move
out of mostly mexican and black overrun cities to the countryside.
Frankly,it ain’t working out for South Africans and neither was it for
Rhodesians. Do those ppl really think that as niggers and mexis swell up
and gain more confidence in inpunity,that the faith will spare them being
dragged from their beds and being shot or stabbed by beastial mexis or
niggers in their *safe countriside neighborhoods*?
So much for those *second world enclaves* in America…
in reply:
The ONE thing all of our RACIAL enemies can agree on is that WE are their Enemy; they easily unite against us.
One of these days, we should return the favor…
I could not agree more than the issue – as Peter Shank so astutely noted – is RACE.
We deny ours, and they try to destroy ours, while worshipping theirs.
We have EXACTLY one generation left to straighten this out.
And, remember, all of the other races are organized by, supported by, and CONTROLLED by, the JEWS.
The “Second World Enclaves’ in America will only be safe for less than a generation; then, a human wave will occupy them, and turn them into Juarez, with electricity – for a while.
Rhodesia should have demonstrated that you can not negotiate with people who plan your doom.
To see where that leads, and notice the biased Propasphere reporting, go to a blogspot called “South Africa Is Crap.”
THAT is our future, one generation down the road.
And, remember, the mud races are merely the attack animals of the JEWS.
Look at recent events involving followers of something called “The Insane Clown Posse” in Seattle. I suspect this is the tip of an iceberg.
That is our future; it is the height of folly to be rational with the irrational.
Vadim wrote:
Getting back to ww’s.
Hitler had a choice. A choice to stay the hell away from coming with the
war to other white nations which do not threaten Germany.
He had a choice to leave the ballance of Versaille unchanged,
a choice to keep to peace,and concentrate on building independent
white society and showing the white world a peacefull prosperous
Germany. Instead he showed the world a face of invader,the face
of death,destruction,misery,conquest.
in reply:
Read Suvorov; Stalin’s plan was to attack Germany, and totally destroy NSDAP Germany. National Socialism was just too successful, and was proof of what a White society could do when parasitic Jew interests were neutralized.
Hitler’s only chance was to strike first, while he could.
Your RACIAL enemies never rest, and are ALWAYS looking to attack on ALL fronts.
Vadim wrote:
WW-1 started as a war between Serbia and Austria. That triggered
all allied nations to either sides,and this is how u have world wars.
in reply:
The entry of the United States turned another European war, into a World War.
As to the “trigger” of other nations being involved, Barbara Tuchman’s “The Guns of August” is an excellent place to start.
Vadim wrote:
If old USSR invaded a nato country like western germany,then
you would have a ww-3,as it would trigger treaty obligations of warsaw
pact countries on one side and those of nato on the other.
in reply:
“Treaty obligations” are worth the paper they are printed on.
Vadim wrote:
Hitler’s invasion of Poland did exactly the same thing.
When Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia on march 15 of 1939,
it didn’t start the ww-2,as no foreign alliences were protecting the
in reply:
Hitler sought the return of Sudetenland, which had been taken from Germany. If memory serves, the Sudeten Czechs supported this.
Nations can be formed for convenience; look what we did with Kosovo, creating an entire Muslim nation in the heart of the Balkans.
Why do you suppose we did that?
“Divide, and Conquer.”
Now, see that as a part of the greater RACIAL war between the Asiatic Jew, and the Christian Men of the West.
Does the Asiatic Jew gain from placing a Muslim demographic weapon in the heart of the Balkans, where it is a useful transit point for drugs moving from the Bekaa Valley to Londonistan?
THAT would pay for a LOT of weapons, all aimed at (Southern) European Christians.
Incidentally, what “alliances” are protecting the Christian nations of the Balkans against the Muslims of Kosovo?
Vadim wrote:
April 1939 was a date when U.K. and France made a treaty with Greece
and Poland to engage in war if these nations are attacked by Germany
and/or Italy.Apparently,such an event was not lost on Ol’ Dolph.
Maybe he thought that Britain would be too scared of German
might to intervine on Poland’s behalf. Maybe he thought that
germanic brothers in U.K. shall not do war on their nordic
breathren in U.K. Bottom line is that it was , like, oxymoron for Hitler
to ignore that if Germany attacks Poland, then that means with 90%
certanity a declaration of war o Germany by England and France.
in reply:
Hitler knew, in word and deed, that the British were planning harm to the European people of Germany.
Read Blumetti’s excellent book, for a quick over, and then “Churchill’s War” and “Hitler’s War,” by David Irving.
Vadim wrote:
U.K. didn’t declare a war on soviet union during their invasion
of eastern Poland because their treaty with Poland covered only
a state of war with Germany and Italy,not with other countries.
It was about breaking the Versaille’s balance and borders in Europe.
Besides,Germany has made a partition of Poland treaty with
USSR and was officially a partner and friend of USSR in 1939.
in reply:
The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact served both parties for a season, and I see it as an extension of the Treaty of Rapollo. That having been said, NOTHING stopped Britain from defending Poland’s sovereignty from the USSR.
Oh, that’s right! All the British did was DECLARE war on Germany, on the thinnest of rationalizations. Actually GOING to war took some time.
Remember the Linder Principle – Britain attacking the Soviet Union over Poland would be – look behind the facade and play “Connect The Dots” – ONE GROUP OF JEWS ATTACKING ANOTHER GROUP OF JEWS.
No money in that!
Vadim wrote:
Regarding ww-1.. Kaiser regime and banking elite of germany(jewish)
were working hand in glove. Kaiser made bolshevic revolution in Russia
happen. Kaiser and his financiers have protected,financed,armed,and
transported Lenin and his henchemen to do the hell on REarth for jews in
Russia. If u research this subject,u will discover that it was a german
military sealed train under german military guard that delivered Lenin
from abroad to Russia. Germany got a desired reward from this
dead,as the very first thing that Lenin did was to withdraw Russia from
fighting Germany. With Russia gone,Germany had a chance of winning,
but Russia’s loss was replaced by USA entering the war,and Germany
was again at sqare one.
in reply:
Lenin worked at the behest of his fellow Jews, including Jacob Schiff. I an told that Trotsky would play chess with Baron Rothschild at the Cafe Vienna, but I can not find a primary source for that. What do all of these great “revolutionaries” have in common with these great men of finance?
Lenin was always playing the Deep Game; in this case, consolidation of Jewish control over Eurasia, considered the geopolitical center of the World.
Jews, working together, AS JEWS, to destroy their RACIAL enemies.
And, what was the Invisible Hand that drew America into World War I?
The JEWS, who had shortly before reached an agreement with Lord Balfour to give away land the British did not control, to the Jews.
The British, previously neutralized and in the midst of peace negotiations, promptly withdrew from the peace negotiations, knowing that, for the price of British claims to Palestine, the Americans had been tricked into joining the war.
Vadim wrote:
ZOG controlled both Kaiser and Allies. It was the industrialists
and bankers who benefited from both world wars. ZOG made money on
Hitlers war just the same as on the first ww..
It was a great misfortune that Hitler played in their hands by starting
the ww-2(he started it by invading Poland,if he stayed away from Poland
or Greece,than there would be no ww-2!).
in reply:
Again, read Suvorov.
Hitler literally had no choice…
The full power of Jewish-controlled Eurasia – the U.S.S.R. – was amassing against him in offensive military positions.
Vadim wrote:
It’s the war that he should have tried to avoid at all cost,cause loosing
it meant an ultimate apocaliptic takeover by ZOG who will now destroy
the whole offending europid race to protect itself, as it doesn’t want to
meet it’s end at the hands of another Hitler.
in reply:
Read Blumetti, then Suvorov, and then Irving.
Our mistake is fatalism; the Jews may have the hand that tip the scales, but WE have the minds that CREATED the scales, we have the hands that BUILT the scales, and WE have the Culture that makes whatever is on the scales valuable to begin with.
The aboriginal saw red dust; we saw iron ore, steam engines, rails, railroads, steamships yesterday, spaceships today, and starships, tomorrow.
The aboriginals are, literally, left in the dust.
Vadim wrote:
So Hitler’s following the teutonic path to the east is costing us all today
in having no powerfull opposing force to save us all from today’s mud
Vadim wrote:
That lack of an “opposing force” derives from us ACCEPTING the Jew-controlled Propasphere’s definitions of WHO were are, and WHAT we are.
This is a parasitic force, and derives ALL of its power from the LIFE FORCE in its host.
OUR Life Force is from THE Creator, God, through His Son, Jesus Christ; their life force is from “their father, the Devil.”
Now you know why they always want to be around us; the Dark misses the Light; sadly, their emotional focus is on Revenge for their Fallen Estate.
I see what is developing on Our Side as snowflakes; individually small, collectively, they form an avalanche, wiping away the filth beneath them.
Nobody knows when, or how, the avalanche will form; we do know how to create snowflakes.
I give you the words of Savitri Devi, quoted by Dan Houser in his excellent cd:
Savitri Devi’s famous analysis from “The Lightning and The Sun” was quoted by Dan Houser, who put her honest words to music in his cd, which we should ALL own, particularly Track Four.
“This is the Age in which Falsehood is termed Truth, and Truth persecuted
as Falsehood or mocked as Insanity, in which the exponents of Truth, the
Divinely Inspired Leaders, the REAL Friends of their RACE and of all the
Living, the God-Like Men, are defeated, and their followers humbled, and
their memories slandered, while the Masters of Lies are hailed as
“One can say, with more and more certainty as the Dark Age goes on, that
the God-Like Men of Action are defeated, at least for the time being, not
for having been too ruthless, but for not having been ruthless enough, for
not having killed off their fleeing Enemies to the last man, for not
having silence both the squeamish millions of hypocrites and their
masters, to clever producers of atrocity pales by more substantial
violence, more complete…exterminations….”
“The unpleasant truth is that pacifism, nonviolence and so forth are just
rackets in the service of the forces of Disintegration, dishonest tricks
to bluff the fools, emasculate the strong, and set millions of cowards and
hypocrites against the few whose inspired policy, pursued ruthlessly to
its logical end, could perhaps, even now, arrest the Decay of Man.”
There’s MORE where THAT came from.
I suspect this is an inevitable consequence of the Awakening, as one
literally has his eyes forced open and sees ever more clearly what is
happening, and ever more clearly WHY it is happening.
The Jew will ALWAYS act, first and foremost, as the Cultural Destroyer,
and the Test for us at this level is very simple: Do we fall for their lies, or do we work within to Create something better out of the pure evil the Jew
worships, and forces us to cherish at the Institutional level?
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Hs HERE!
17 July, 2006 at 9:44 am
re: New America
good stuff!
but, honestly, comrade, i think yr expending a bit too much energy on this ‘Vadim’ character.
he could be an impostor/ agent provacteur
mind!: not saying he is! but all the indications seem to be there………..
any-way: this blog’s gone on FAR TOO LONG, IMHO
17 July, 2006 at 2:29 pm
I suspect brother Vadim is who he says he is, but that is an interesting observation that reflects a mistake I made as a younger man – I looked for perfection in my coworkers.
Not going to happen.
Each of us are Creatures of Light and Darkness with some of us, in Goethe’s famous formulation, “More Light!” and in some us, “More Darkness” for example, the Satanic NSM.
Thus, we live most of our lives in Gray Zones, and the gray differs in range from light to dark.
Brother Vadim has lived in too much gray, but is seeking the light.
More to the point, for every person who posts, there are a LOT of people watching the conversation, and taking bits and pieces to their friends, and into their hearts and minds.
We are defening what many believe to be literally indefensible; the structure of NSDAP Germany, how it developed, and what was right about it that we can use today.
If we can get even one to sway, we have opened the door to more light; if we can get them to see the world of 1939 through the eyes of the NSDAP Leadership – rebounding from starving to death while freezing in the dark to the highest standard of living, and a society organized along organically developed National Socialist lines, we open the door to forming another snowflake.
Historically, the White Nationalist Movement has been defined in terms of what it is against, and even that, in the crudest of terms.
The Linder Lenses open the door to a true Awakening – when you SEE the hand of the Jew in the shadows, when you play “Connect the Dots,” and suddenyl you realize who the Deep Enemy of our Culture is, everything will begin to fall into place.
Then, you will realize that we will have to form a better society out of what has befallen us – out of what, as Peter Shank so astutely noted, we LET happen.
The JEWS took over without firing a shot; control of the Propasphere, the words and picutres you see and hear, and the public indoctrination system known as school, and, through financial power, the politicians you are allowed to vote for.
A new way of thinking is required to battle in the Deep War, the Cultural War, which the Jews have fought against us for hundreds of years, while we blindly adoped their terms, and their definitions, of WHO we are, and WHAT we are.
I spent years being lectured on “Communism” versus “Capitalism.”
Then I read Rosenberg’s “The Myth of the Twentieth Century,” and I realized that the best slave – which I was – merely THINKS he is free; the JEWS chose the terms, and the JEWS chose the definitions, all the while laughing at us for trusting them, and accepting them as authorities.
The only power the Jews have is that which we gave them.
We CAN take it back, one minute at a time, one day at a time, one person at a time, one snowflake at a time.
And then, one morning, things change very quickly in politics, and the snowflakes form an avalanche, cleansing the filth from the face of the Earth.
Read Blumetti, and accept the Spark of Inspiration he inspires with what might have been, and what should have been, and what WE could well do, yet again, just by doing a lot of little things differently.
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
18 July, 2006 at 2:44 am
re: New America
yeh…..hard to say who’s who in cyber-space ain’t it? whatever!
‘rehabilitating’ National Socialism is indeed a Herculean task.
let’s hope it’s not the Myth of Sisyphus.
Chamberlain, Rosenberg, Hitler, Streicher, Yockey, Simpson et al…..
they were all prophets of the New Dawn
i’m utterly and totally convinced that we ARE going to win sooner or later (hopefully sooner!)
The glorious Thousand Year Reich is yet to come!
the self-destructive, parasitic society of the jews is anti-Nature, anti-human and anti-Higher Power(whatever you conceive that as!)
as such, Nature’s sacred laws DEMAND that it FAILS just like the Second Law of ThermoDynamics demands that every-thing reaches its state of lowest, stable energy.
18 July, 2006 at 2:36 pm
“‘Rehabilitating’ national socialism’ is the task that is worthy of a lifetime, knowing that, while you may not enjoy the fruits of your labors, the duty will transform your soul for the better – statecraft as soulcraft, if you will.
I looked as NSDAP Germany in 1945 through the eyes of Devi, as only she understood the spiritual dynamics that were actively working in the material world before her. She saw that THIS particular Idea of National Socialism was a representation of the IDEAL of National Socialism, and other forms, developed organically to meet the true needs of the RACE/Nation at a later time, will come to fruytion in their own time, in their own way.
Yet, we must each do what we can, where we are.
I send money to Hal Turner and Alex Linder, each and every month, without fail. The regularity is my way of taking responsibility TODAY, rather than waiting for “lick” to strike.
If each of the “snowflakes” did that, we would lay the foundation for the avalanche all the more quickly, all the more effectively.
WE are the RACE that sent men -WHITE MEN! – to the Moon, and brought them back, while engaged in a two front war – Vietnam and Poverty.
Yet, that was also the moment the Cultural Destroyer took his revenge; the Jews, because the money we were spending in Vietnam was money that wanted for Israel, following the 1967 War, and the Jews, who formed an entire voting block through the War on Poverty programs, guaranteeing them a subservient class that would vote their way for Eternity, AND color tv became widely available. The Jews ability to define and thus destroy our Culture became amplified dramatically, as their Virtual Reality became our Internal Reality.
That last element is most important, because THAT, in large part, explains why we are going mad – and what can be done about it.
WE KEEP TRYING TO MATCH TV WITH THE REAL WORLD, AND ARE GOING LITERALLY INSANCE FROM THE MASSIVE CONTRADICTIONS; we accept the Virtual Reality as the Greater Reality, and try to live in accordance with it.
We can’t.
The cognitive dissonance leads to anxiety, and the anxiety is dealt with throug medication – tranquilizers.
What really works is ANGER, admitted, worked with, and transformed into Useful Light, and Isable Energy.
A good source of that anger comes from turing off the Propasphere, and writing out how deeply the dreams of your youth – YOUR Dreams – were betrayed by blindly accepting the Destroyer’s terms and definitions.
Keep writing, and rewriting – are you in debt, and what illusions did you accept that put you there? Who supplied those illusions? If you had it to do over, would you do things differently? How, and why?
All of those things you would do differently?
Do them today, and do them some more, tomorrow.
Turn it OFF.
Cable TV?
Turn it OFF, and send the money you save to Hal Turner, and Alex Linder, each and every month; ok, split the cable tv bill.
Junk food?
Cut it OUT, and send the money to Hal Turner and Alex Linder, each and every month.
Take the time you spent watching tv, and do something to better yourself- learn a skill, exercise religiously, all of that and more, and thus…
You begin to BE what you want to world to BECOME…
Remember, our Enemies wil try to trick us into using force against them.
There is no need for that – save, in limited situations, purely in self-defense.
That very useful anger comes for a deep sense of betrayal.
The anger just lets you burn through the haze of the Illusions they have sold you, and use to control you.
Remember, our RACIAL ENEMIES live in fear of us being Aware of them; once we are, the Quickening takes place, and the Awakening begins.
THAT is what our RACIAL ENEMIES fear, because, on the political level, THAT leads to National Socialism today, and, with the inevitability of Greatness, the Mars Colony, soon after.
Their path leads to Londonistan, and the quiet contempt the Third Worlders have for us – and perhaps, that contempt is well-earned.
We’ll have to DO SOMETHING about that.
Linder just nailed it – “The best rebellion is excellence.”
Let’s try THAT, for a change!
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
19 July, 2006 at 12:04 am
I wish to say a few words to Jimbo. O.k.
I do regret that our discussion has deteriorated to such an extent. I just wanted an open discussion,but I am finally getting just untrue and unfair refferences to my person from u for not just agreeing with everything u choose to believe in. There is a lesson for both of us here.
If unity of all race is what u really want,u have to understand that
eastern and western white worlds are not exactly the same. It’s typical by eastern wing of wn movement to view ww-2 differently from u, despite ppl like Suvorov going all the way to western nationalist views. To see my point,just visit StormFront Forum, search for many discussions between russians and other slavs v.s. views that u express. I’m afraid u will
have a very big AP list,my friend. I think u’l have to get at least 3/4
of slav posters on your AP list who are opposed to such view of the past
as you are presenting. I have read some of the authors u and NM mentioned. It’s not that I don’t know such views, it’s just that I
I apreciate the posts by NM, despite dissagreeing with some points he makes,but I still can apreciate the culture,manners,and intelligence
he puts in his posts. He never offends a person he debates with,
he tries his best to make his points as clear and penetrating as possible.
I do believe that we as whites are different from short-fused mud representatives and can debate respectfully and intelligently, as whites , here.
19 July, 2006 at 12:10 am
correction: I mean N.A.(short for New America) not N.M.
I use belingual keyboard,so I do blunder in spelling on occasion.
19 July, 2006 at 10:21 am
You are ahead of me; I have basic lingual keyboard, and I blunder in spelling all of the time!
It’s the thinking we have to get right; it’s the CREATIVE process of analysis and problem resolution that is the gift possessed by our RACE, and, seemingly, actively denied to the people of the “Mud Hell.”
Take “democracy,” a necessary precondition for National Socialism; if you can’t do democracy right, National Socialism will always be beyond your reach.
Look at our own situation in what was, and will become again, Russia’s near-abroad:
“Democracy” got us the Iraqi government yesterday, and today, a de facto civil war.
“Democracy” got us Hezbollah voted into the Lebanese government.
“Democracy” got us Hamas on the West Bank, elected to leadership of the Palestinian National Authority.
National Socialism, pretty much by definition, is the EXACT opposite of Empire – read “Mein Kampf,” for, better, “Table Talk,” and see why the British were trapped in Empire thinking, and why Empire would never work for a National Socialist society. Frankly, “Table Talk” is an excellent starting point to understand National Socialist thinking in practice, and much easier to read that “Mein Kampf.” It’s available from amazon.com…
Don’t worry about ad hominem personal attacks; they are routine, and, as they say in Ukraine! – will roll off you like water of a duck’s back.
I think jimbo gets frustrated with the slow pace of change, as do I; AFTER you have had the Quickening, and the Awakening accelerates, you become rather impatient with people who do not get the Vision, as you have.
Speaking of being trapped in intellectual handcuffs, “Hitler Boys In America” by Schmidt is a very readable sumamry of how the process of “denazification” was implemented at all levels of society, particualrly in the Jew-controlled education system.
Take yor time; at long last, you are on the right road!
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
19 July, 2006 at 10:24 am
re: Vadim
national socialism seems to be quite big in Russia @ present
according to a recent TV show on Oz’s SBS network
here’s their link
(not ‘archived’ yet!….that’s just their ‘blurb’!)
u might be bttr off on the VNN forum than ‘stormfront’ or bumbling around here on a public blog site!
BTW: most of the Eastern Europeans/Slavs on my prvs posting site……B&H/Combat 18 all seemed to support what you call the ‘western nationalist views’ of WWII
(i got banned by a female mod’ there for calling her a KIKE cunt! ho HUM! i’v moved on to bigger & better things since IMHO!)
19 July, 2006 at 4:45 pm
Vadim made a stronger point that is worthy of greater discussion:
Vadim wrote:
…having no powerfull opposing force to save us all from today’s mud
in reply:
I LIKE the term “mud Hell,” and will be using it more often. Mind if it steal it from you? Thanks!
One, “Only the Jew, won World Wat Two.”
These incessant genocidal wars we are committing against our brethern will come to a stop, sooner rather than later.
Note that the one thing that ALL of our RACIAL enemies can agree upon is that we have to go; the inherent superiority of what WE, alone, have Created, or even COULD Create, and what alone have BUILT, or even COULD have built, inspires envy among awe, and resentment from the lesser races.
And yet, for some reason, we have accepted our RACIAL enemy’s definitions, and their terms.
Only their control of mass communications turned regional European wars into World Wars, and made us their servants, in the wars THEY won, at the expense of our way of life, and our posterity.
They are desperately trying to do so now, in the Middle East, even as we speak.
I think that an Old Order is dying, and we have the choice to begin CREATING the foundation for something better, if only in a world that we shall never see, in which our posterity will bless our efforts, the seeds we plant in this lifetime, which will only beat the fruit in the theirs.
HALF of the “Adult” population in the US is on tranquilizers.
People take tranquilizers to avoid facing the anger they feel, but dare not articulate – indeed, dare not become fully aware of, as it will remind them of their helplessness in the aituation before them.
The “average” America standard of living is back to about World War II levels; couples are BOTH working to sustain a lifestyle ONE working adult – the husband and father – could have earned thirty years ago.
The slow collapse of the middle class in America is about to accelerate, I think, and rather more dramatically than many might imagine. What will be the outlet for their anger, then?
I have made repeated references to BLumetti’s hero, with good reason. Look, as I said before, at the words “hatred” and “nightmare.”
Let’s look at those references:
Again, I refer to the wonderful statement of Robert Blumetti concerning the mindset of his New Traditionalist hero of Germany in 2123:
“Herr Kruger looked away. His face froze, steel-like in hatred for the reality of the Twenty-Second Century. He hated his class for permitting this to happen….”
NOW, what does Kruger hate?
HIS CLASS – his RACE – for ALLOWING this to happen.
Yet, does he waste his “anger” is learned helplessness?
Read on…
“Herr Kruger continued to think back when he was a young man. He thought of his wife and children, and the prospect of a better future he once hoped for them.
in reply:
Don’t you have dreams of a better world for your family, your children, your kindred, your RACE?
Of course you do – and that speaks well about you.
Read on…
“Oh, yes. He had dreamed, but all of his dreams had turned into one terrible nightmare. A nightmare from which he could not wake – the nightmare of the Europe of 2123. All he wanted to do was put a stake through the heart of this nightmare world….”
in reply:
If ‘nightmare world” is not a perfect synonym for “mud Hell,” I don;t know what is. Indeed, we are slowly sliding into a “mud Hell,” into the “nightmare fro which we MUST Awake,” if only for the sake of our posterity…
Read on…
“And like him, they had grown hard and cold with hate. Hatred for everything around them. Hatred for the world that was slowly sinking into the swamp of barbarism. Hatred for those who came before him and built this Hellish world. ”
in reply:
If “swamp of barbarism,” and “this Hellish world” are not PERFECT descriptions for what we are facing TODAY, I don’t know what is.
If you do not “hate,” and “hatred,” then your Soul is dead, and you are doomed.
Read on…
“Hatred for a Europe dying with a whimper, like a beaten dog.”
in reply:
Isn’t that the perfect metaphor for most of the Western countries?
Isn’t London the Second Capital of Pakistan, isn’t Paris the Second Capital of Algeria, isn’t Berlin the Second Capital of Turkey?
Like the “beaten dog,” do these countries lick the hand of their new masters, who have just beaten them? Do they lick the boots of their new masters, who have just beaten them? Isn’t this JUST what they do when the rejoice in their helpless impotence by proclaiming the joys of “diversity?”
What was the solution of Blumetti’s hero?
Read on…
“He would make them pay.â€?
in reply:
THIS is the correct answer.
OUR way of “making them pay” is to follow Linder’s Law of Rebellion:
If we watch the Talmudivision, the Jew Tube, they win.
If we go into debt, they win.
If we get fat and lazy, they win.
If we do not be what WE want the world to become…
They win.
It is not enough for us to merely not do what they want us to do.
We must do what is RIGHT, and we must do BETTER, for the BEST of reasons.
If enough of us do this often enough, we are forming the basis of a RACIALLLY HOMGENOUS National Socialist society.
EVERY step we take in that direction, is a step for the eventual victory of our posterity, leads to the day that THEY fail…
And, on THAT day, WE WIN!
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
20 July, 2006 at 8:20 am
Re Jimbo’s Verbal
Must put my hands up as I made an almighty mistake coming to this website. I had wrongly thought that it was a good place to discuss Nationalistic topics. Having attempted to read the utter filth and tripe from Jimbo I reckon that with cretins like him let loose on this site the chance of National Socialism rising again are about zilch. Who apart from the retarded or criminally insane would follow this blokes line of argument,which any sane reader can see this “boyoâ€? most definitely lacks. This newbie is an ex newbie and will search out a site where the contributors have at least evolved from the Neanderthals. Loved the “Kike cunt” in another posting of yours. Real Class mate.
New America and Celtic Warrior thanks for your comments I found them very interesting but I think this site is too hot for me. Cheers and good luck.
20 July, 2006 at 10:07 pm
Athelstan Warrior:
I am sorry you chose to leave, and might suggest you continue to at least lurk with discretion.
VNN has a reputation for being the hard-core, “No, we are NOT apologizing for being RIGHT; for that matter, what’s wrong with YOU for being WRONG?” school of web-based commentary and analysys.
Consider that, if jimbo’s comments “offend you, pluck them out.”
There are more than enough other comments around to help fill in the gaps of serious discussion, and debate.
VNN is different, and it is a difference that takes a while to appreicate; look at the comments of “Shmuley” and “Biff Baxter,” as well as “Celtic Warrior,” among others.
What we all have in common – and to my knowledge, none of us have ever met – is a profound shared state of Consciousness, the Awareness that SOMEHOW, at a very profund level, the very framework of OUR Society, even of what OUR Civilization has become, is totally, unalterably, profoundly exposed to us, even unto our death, both as people, and as A People, but particularly, as a RACE.
This point can not be emphasized too strongly; to our RACIAL ENEMIES, all of whom either are (1) GODDAMNED JEWS, or (2) are front men, tools, and lackey for GODDAMNED JEWS, there is only ONE point of agreement – WE are the Enemy, and ALL of contemporary mainstream media, and ALL of contemporary public “schooling” unite in this belief, and this practice.
We – literally – can not turn on the radio or the televsion without hearing and seeing our RACIAL enemies attack us at every possible opportunity, while we choose to remain morally and intellectually disarmed; even our existence as a RACE is mocked, negated, or destroyed at every chance, from children’s tv programming forward.
There is no hyperbole in that last paragraph.
I understood NSDAP Germany as the first explicitly national socialist society, but never really understood the depth of the issues in that culture until I read Blumetti; suddenly, Rosenberg’s ideas received energy, and took life, and I realized the TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE NATURE of the RACE WAR which has been declared against us, and is fought against us, daily, on all fronts.
Against the cultural matrix of the West in general, and NSDAP Germany in particular, the writings of Yockey/”Varange” in “Imperium” take new life, and much greater, living meaning; the ideas take on the life of Ideals…
What I like most about Blumetti, however, is his works are full of the OPTIMISM that sees the Infinite Spaces as the Lands of Infinite Opprtunity for the Men of the West.
We did it before.
We can do it again; indeed, we must, or we shall perish; our grandparents worked too hard for our grandchildren to live in the New Dark Ages that is otherwise their fate…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is Here!
21 July, 2006 at 4:56 am
so saith ‘Athalstan Warrior'(or some-such):
Re Jimbo’s Verbal
“Must put my hands up as I made an almighty mistake coming to this website. I had wrongly thought that it was a good place to discuss Nationalistic topics. Having attempted to read the utter filth and tripe from Jimbo I reckon that with cretins like him let loose on this site the chance of National Socialism rising again are about zilch. Who apart from the retarded or criminally insane would follow this blokes line of argument,which any sane reader can see this ‘boyo’ most definitely lacks. This newbie is an ex newbie and will search out a site where the contributors have at least evolved from the Neanderthals. Loved the “Kike cuntâ€? in another posting of yours. Real Class mate”
ohhhh….deary teary ME!
i’v inadvertently up-set some-one!
sooooooo sorry to have upset yr delicate sensibilities there, squire!
there’s an old saying: ‘if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen!’
perhaps you’d care to list what exactly YOU have done for the cause of White Nationalism lately?
for instance: there’s a recently-widowed Aryan mother of FIVE to whom numerous people on the VNN forum have been generously donating. care to contribute?
take my post as a WARNING!
VNS-Day (Victory for National Socialism Day) is rapidly approaching
DON’T get caught on the wrong side of history! because victorious NS will have no REMORSE or REGRETS for ‘waverers’ or ‘fence-sitters’. There’s no ‘neutrality’ in a RACE WAR!
I wouldn’t wish that fate on ANY white man
(i’m giving you the benefit of the doubt & assuming you ARE white)
First port of call is to ‘get your facts straight’ AFA history is concerned.
‘Because those who don’t learn from history are doomed ot repeat it!
YOUR NATION was IN THE WRONG AFA WWII/Europe was concerned. Accept that. Learn from it. And move on.
If yr NOT WHITE, perhaps THIS SITE would suit you better?!
i’v said my piece here.
16 April, 2007 at 8:19 pm
So all the Allied soldiers would’ve laid down their arms if they’d know what the world would become? So… how come Allied soldiers alive today aren’t screaming about Jews?