11 June, 2006

Problems Seen Sideways

Posted by alex in VNN, White media at 1:20 am | Permanent Link

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  • 37 Responses to “Problems Seen Sideways”

    1. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Let’s turn off the ‘glass toilet’ ….forever!

    2. apollonian Says:

      Now’s The Time–To Give Thanks For Internet
      (Apollonian, 11 Jun 06)

      Yes indeed, we have the MAMMON empire run by Judeo-oligarchs as of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR–see TheNewAmerican.com), this Mammon built upon HERESY, like non- or anti-racism, “Judeo-Christianity” (JC), and the old stand-by hubristic, moralistic, neo-Pelagianism as of Kant, English Utilitarianists, etc. Rest of lower-level Jews are willing co-conspirators, frauds and criminals by religion (Talmud–in which God worships them, the “chosen”). Jews worship subjectivism, hubris, narcissism.

      Fundamental CONCRETE crux to the Mammon empire-conspiracy then is such as the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) counterfeiting scam financing everything else following, the mass, corporate “Jews-media” compounding then to corrupting politics and judicial affairs, also esp. public education. Subjectivists put much stock in “psy-ops” to fool both dupes and suckers, and they themselves too, never forget in this insane subjectivistic empire of Mammon.

      Pretty soon everything is owned by Jew bankers and other Jews and their gentile accomplices. See G. Edward Griffin’s “Creature From Jekyll Island” for fullest expo and outstanding citations for Fed counterfeiting scam.

      But we patriots can come back, the cycle of history (Spengler’s “Decline of the West) permitting; enemy still has to ban the free internet, which hasn’t quite happened yet–WE’RE STILL KICKING.

      CONCLUSION: What we want then is an increasing antisemitism even after enemy destroys internet (God forbid); NOW’S THE TIME TO DELIVER INFORMATION to comrades and allies. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    3. Olde Dutch Says:

      Appy—I see that Ben Shalom let you out for the weekend. It must get tiresome being chained up in the basement of a Federal Reserve Bank. Look at it this way, in a few years you will be able to retire, and some new worldly philosopher will get to spend the week in the bowels of the Federal Reserve. Until then don’t take any samples home with you & our money supply is in your hands.

    4. apollonian Says:

      “Olde Dutch” Demonstrates Apathetic Problem Too Well
      (Apollonian, 11 Jun 06)

      So, “Olde Dutch,” that’s ur great information to be given to fellow patriots? Note this Fed is the fundamental ENGINE OF ORWELLIAN “PERPETUAL WAR” steadily now engulfing the world. And that (above) is all u have to say for info?

      We must rather grow antisemitism, this with foremost incisive RATIONALISM. It doesn’t do so well then to have patronizing subversives like u, “Olde Dutch” dispensing with ur stupid platitudes.

      What’s a great part of the apathetic problem among the gentile people?–I submit it’s the lack of seriousness and resolve. NO, “OLDE DUTCH,” U PATRONIZING FOOL, I’M NOT GOING “TO BE ABLE TO RETIRE”–unless it’s in a Jew concentration gulag. And this urgency and fear is what more of our people have to realize–WE’RE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO “RETIRE” unless it’s like Winston Smith in Orwell’s “1984.” Get serious; get real comrade. Reality is what best plan and strategy are built upon.

      CONCLUSION: So “Olde Dutch” u simply gotta improve and spare me ur stupid platitudes–I’m trying to accomplish revolution here and drumming up some antisemitism, if u don’t mind. We need to start getting a little bit serious here sometime, okay. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    5. Zoroastro Says:

      I’d like to announce tha I am 100% from the sewer. It feels fantastic, my IQ has since doubled from 145 to 290. As if I never watched it in my life. Totally irrelevant polluting noise…
      You can do it too.

    6. Olde Dutch Says:

      Right on Appy! 8814 Sqaure Root of 49 times 2. Panzer Leider. Over and out.

    7. Socrates Says:

      Apollonian wrote: “hubristic, moralistic, neo-Pelagianism as of Kant, English Utilitarianists, etc.”

      No foolin’?? I thought a race of people called “Jews” were the nugget of our trouble. “Hubris,” huh? I better get out my dictionary and look that word up…

    8. apollonian Says:

      Little Chance Of Victory With These Stupid, Subversive Dolts
      (Apollonian, 11 Jun 06)

      No u stupid shits: Jews are disease-of-opportunity taking advantage of white Christian hubris. U idiots gotta see these things as CYCLIC, okay. Jew parasites will wane as they destroy the host-victim. THE “NUGGET OF OUR TROUBLE” (good phrase, “Socrates,” u thick-skulled dolt) IS THEN THE DELUSIONARY SUBJECTIVISM, like moralism, which Jew disease exploits, especially that of the moralistic “elders” sucking up those social security checks provided by the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) counterfeiting, fraud, “perpetual war” system.

      The problem then is the entire subjectivistic conspiracy and mentality, including Jew-disease, but especially also such as the elder dupes and suckers who provide sustenance for the Jew disease. Note Jews feature subjectivism and lying, subjectivism being the foundation of the fraud Mammon culture running now on Orwellian “perpetual warfare.”

      CONCLUSION: Another problem is we white volk gotta cut down on the stupidity (like “Socrates'” and “Olde Dutch’s,” above) before we can rationally hope to improve prospects. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    9. Zoroastro Says:

      I love the graphics though. It sez it all! LOL

    10. George Crane Says:

      Sideways? Problem seen DIRECTLY, below:

      Brigadier General Says Israel is the problem not Iraq
      by James J. David, Brigadier General, USA ret. – Jan 7, 2003

      (James J. David is a retired Brigadier General and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s Command and General Staff College, and the National Security Course, National Defense University, Washington, DC. He served as a Company Commander with the 101st Airborne Division in the Republic of Vietnam in 1969 and 1970 and also served nearly 3 years of Army active duty in and around the Middle East from 1967-1969.)


    11. Socrates Says:


      Is one person’s subjectivism another person’s objectivism? Or is subjectivism objectively subjective [unless it is combined with other objective subjectivisms and therefore no longer subjective but objective]? U knw wht I mn?

    12. Mark Says:

      No interracial porn images this time, Alex?

      Reminds me of Denis Leary’s bit about fat suburbanite slobs who love football, porno, and war.

    13. apollonian Says:

      Socrates, the problem is same as that discussed by Plato and Aristotle, basically. At bottom it’s matter of ASSUMPTION (metaphysics being science of basic assumptions) as it can’t be proven, there being nothing prior to serve as premise for conclusion. If we don’t assume objectivity, then anything goes, reduction to absurd for subjectivist alternative.

      Jews then believe reality is what “they” say it is, SUBJECTIVIST, they being Talmudist rabbis who decide for the large collective of Jews of lower-level sort (of whom there are actually quite a lot) who then work hysterically to see to it the will of God, decided by rabbis, is done. Jew rabbis “interpret” Talmud and Torah by means of “midrash.” The subjectivism of Jews then tends to rule and dominate over that of other subjectivists, esp. among gentiles, less practical, organized, dedicated, fanatically determined, etc.

      So for example, these scummy Jews have the white “Judeo-Christians” (JCs–see Whtt.org) persuaded in “going along” w. present system supplying these elders with costly prescription drugs, other drugs being outlawed for the youth, social security payments, entertainment, football, pornography, etc.

      Most of all though, the Jews and close accomplices among gentiles are afforded their prize scam, that of the counterfeiting Federal Reserve Bank (Fed), which then most practically and effectively controls everything else, “Jews-media,” education (esp. public), politics, judiciary, etc., everything–a huge large monopoly, a monopoly built upon fraud, the fraud culture built upon the subjectivistic hubris of such as the elders and others who afford the Jews their MAMMON empire, enforced now with Orwellian “perpetual war for perp. peace.”

      Observe Kantian moralism and neo-Pelagianism (“good-evil” delusion-fallacy), the consequent German Transcendental Idealism, and English Utilitarianism all rose, affected, and corrupted the Western middle class which corruption steadily afforded the present Judaic takeover, engineered so largely by the concurrent rise of Judaic Banking, like Rothschild, following French Revolution. The inductive evidence supporting my historical analysis is there.

      Thus we see as problem is Jews it’s actually something else too–that which affords the Jews their “opportunity,” the subjectivism and hubris of the corrupted Western culture in Spenglerian “Decline of the West.”

      Socrates, u gotta start making a serious, honest effort to understand Jew problem in terms conveyable to fellow patriots and people, in a way which is practical, hence genuinely informative. So we understand history in cyclic terms, according to Darwinian principles and Hegelian antitheses.

      I’d say the single most informative bit of information we could process is the idea and fact, quite verifiable scientifically, that CHRISTIANITY IS ANTISEMITIC AND MEANT TO BE SO

    14. apollonian Says:

      Socrates Needs To Make Better, More Honest Effort
      (Apollonian, 12 Jun 06)

      Damn, but I hit a wrong key or something and all of a sudden my prematurely published essay, without title, appears unfinished, above. Ah well, aside fm title (provided belatedly, above, here), I only basically left out my parting exhortation of “Honest elections and death to the Fed.” Significance again, of Christian antisemitism is it will inform at least some of the poor dupes who presently serve the Judeo-oligarchal conspirators among elders and enforcers. Thanks for all ur indulgent attn to my expositions good comrade antisemiticalists and patriots. Apollonian

    15. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Well it’s great to see that the White Nationalist ‘community’ hasn’t lost its sense of humour!
      Seriously though, the best way to counter-act the pervasive influence of the jew-tube ,(apart from not watching it), is to laugh and ridicule it. Let’s make antisemitism hip humorous and infectious.

    16. apollonian Says:

      “Hip Humorous” Is Still Too Tinged With Smugness
      (Apollonian, 12 Jun 06)

      We should rather see antisemitism as a kind of necessary vaccine-innoculation, an emotional-commitment, outlook, and attitude, a bond btwn and among patriots clawing for survival. That’s why it’s not appropriate to be “humorous” in smug way regarding antisemitism–only in grim manner of near-desperation.

      People gotta start being human, thinking, using INDUCTIVE LOGIC and see how it really is so much like Ed Steele (ConspiracyPenPal.com) put it: “it’s the Jews, stupid.” But it’s also the traitors among the gentiles who help the Jews–what then, again, is the common link?–it is SUBJECTIVISM, the idea, for example, of such as moralistic “good-evil” heresy (a), this along with non- or anti-racism heresy-fixation (b), and “Judeo-Christianity” (JC) heresy (c) by which stupid shits pretend Christianity is compatible with Judaism. These then are the three great heresies, a, b, and c, within the large heresy complex upon which MAMMON is built, now conducting grim “perpetual war for perpetual peace.”

      Thus we patriots SHOULD NOT think in terms of “hip humorous” as above by otherwise surely well-intentioned “Celtic Warrior,” as it too much evokes the very dread HUBRIS and smugness which has so decimated the white race presently for last hundred yrs or so by Jew bankers, propagandists, and bolsheviki. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    17. Zoroastro Says:

      Well it’s great to see that the White Nationalist ‘community’ hasn’t lost its sense of humour!
      Seriously though, the best way to counter-act the pervasive influence of the jew-tube ,(apart from not watching it), is to laugh and ridicule it. Let’s make antisemitism hip humorous and infectious.

      Spot on

    18. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Appy, I ain’t nor is it my intention to be ‘smug’.
      The whole of White Western society is, as you correctly state , infected by a life threatening disease. The ‘patient’ is in an emergency status but has barely raised an immune response to the jew-bacillus. Why? Because the jew-tube tells him he is in the best of health and proceeds to lull him into hypnotic obeisance. Humour and ridicule may break this trance-like state, nothing else seems to be working thus far! When the patient is awake we can then administer a mega dose of penicillin!

    19. apollonian Says:

      Patience And Urgency: A Task Requiring Utmost Art
      (Apollonian, 12 Jun 06)

      Okay good comrade Warrior of Celticness, but I submit “Jew tube” is mere exterior manifestation of something more important underlying–like the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) counterfeiting scam which then finances and enables everything else. What underlies the Fed fraud?–the suicidal hubris and subjectivism of such as the elders who’ve sold out the rest of the race, esp. the future generations.

      We’re then left in the position of youth who must instruct our own elders–is it possible? And I think one possibility is simple information, for example, Christianity is antisemitic and explicitly designed to be so–which way too many people overlook. Are the elders traitors?–surely not all, though some might well be. Mostly these elders are just stupid, shell-shocked dupes, overcome with too much affluence, diverted by such as Jew tube, too easily.

      We should take urgent action, but still we gotta be patient too and coordinate movements with progress of historic cycle and Spenglerian “Decline of the West.” There’s still too many stupid elderly dupes too cooperative with Jews in spirit of heretical “good-evil” delusion-fallacy. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    20. Olde Dutch Says:

      Appy—How did you find out that the jews kept Satan locked in the basement of the Federal Reserve? Satan down there working 24/7 counterfeiting money and signing it 666.

    21. Jackumup Says:

      One way to deal with jewavision is to tell to frends about the hidden messagees and meanings, give them examples of the anti-white, anti-male, anti-christian agenda then they will tell two friends and the’ll tell to friends……………..

    22. Spinoza Says:

      perhaps we can start a bumper sticker/media campaign exhorting people to toss their tv sets out the friggin’ window.
      can alex or some wit come up with a good slogan? like “don’t be a boob, turn off the tube”? welll, that’s not so great, but i’m sure linder can come up with something better and catchier.
      keep race out of it for now; the message should just make people feel really stupid for watching tv.
      you gotta instill a sense of stupidity or guilt in people to make them stop doing something; nobody wants to feel stupid, guilty, or wrong. this sentiment must be inextricably attached to the notion of even subscribing to cable or owning a tv with an antenna.
      you can also get many other nominally non-racial people to finance and support such a movement as wel

    23. Spinoza Says:

      here’s another idea: a huge television smash-up. like a car smash, only we’d advertise for folks to contribute a discarded tv set (preferably all their tv sets), put them in a huge pile, and smash the crap out of them.
      give out prizes for the most spectacular smash or something. hold it in a very public place, get media attention, get the message out. encourage giant tv smash-ups all over the country.

    24. apollonian Says:

      “Spinoza” Uncovered
      (Apollonian, 14 Jun 06)

      “Spinoza,” u’re obviously a dumb-ass Jew, utterly stupid to think u’d go undetected by all us antisemites here. All ur stupid (subjectivist) ideas do is draw attn to TV. Jews (and subjectivist accomplices among gentiles) are what suck. TV just needs be taken in proper proportion which is evermore done with good aesthetic understanding and criticism to judge TV’s proper place.

      Then there are the devilish details we can read on National Alliance website (Natall.com, I believe) about “Who Controls the Media?”

      Connect then with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and “Bilderberg”–easily done on TheNewAmerican.com–and u got brilliant Jew conspiracy theory. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    25. Spinoza Says:

      apollonian, you are one dumb paranoid jerk.
      first, i’m not a jew. let’s see, how can i prove this to you….
      i can’t, because you are a paranoid schizophrenic. you prove this by your writing style, your “word salads” which everyone here ridicules and laughs at. i’m amazed that any of of your comments make it past the moderator.
      i was just throwing out some ideas, jerkoff. if you don’t like them, fine. but you don’t need to go calling everyone who has an idea you don’t like a JEW.
      moderator, PLEASE, stop allowing apollonian’s comments; it’s obviously a deranged individual

    26. apollonian Says:

      Jew “Spinoza” Squirms Like A Maggot
      (Apollonian, 14 Jun 06)

      Jew is as Jew does. U’re pathetic brainless subjectivist, “Spinoza,” hence showing the tell-tale signs. By inductive logic then, u might well be Jew; now u must prove u’re not. But then what do u do, “Spinoza,” u filthy, cowardly little kike?–u go and start crying for “moderator”–who could only be one guy, Mr. Linder (which u didn’t know, did u kike?)–to do Jewwy thing like censorship. “Spinoza,” u hebraic scum, u only confirmed my initially strong suspicion (and u’re the one who most resembles schizophrenic, actually).

      My “writing style” is abstract tending sometimes, unfortunately, to prolixity and somewhat tiresome didactic repetition, aside fm a slight quotient of hystericism–other than that, I’m sure it’s the stuff of true talent, sublimity, and utmost substance. “Spinoza,” u’re hereby directed to go and drown urself. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    27. Spinoza Says:

      Spinoza will now correct some of apollonian’s grammatical and spelling errors from his last commentary, and even try to make some sense of its senseless ramblings:

      apollonian: “U’re pathetic brainless subjectivist…”
      corrected version: YOU’RE A pathetic brainless subjectivist…

      apollonian: “…u might well be Jew…”
      corrected version: …YOU might well be A Jew… or …YOU might well be JewISH…

      apollonian: “…now u must prove u’re not. But then what do u do…”
      corrected version: …now YOU must prove (THAT) YOU’re not. But then what do YOU do…

      apollonian: “…u go and start crying for “moderator””
      corrected version: …YOU go and start crying for THE “moderator”

      apollonian: “…to do
      Jewwy thing like censorship. “Spinoza,” u hebraic scum, u only confirmed my initially strong suspicion (and u’re the one
      who most resembles schizophrenic, actually).”
      corrected version: …to do SOME/A
      Jewwy (NOT A PROPER ADJECTIVE, BUT WE’LL LET THAT ONE SLIDE) thing like censorship. “Spinoza,” YOU hebraic scum, YOU only confirmed my initially strong suspicion (and YOU’re the one
      who most resembles A schizophrenic, actually).

      apollonian: “My “writing style” is abstract tending sometimes, unfortunately, to prolixity and somewhat tiresome didactic repetition,
      aside fm a slight quotient of hystericism…”
      corrected version: My writing style sometimes TENDS TO BE ABSTRACT AND, unfortunately, to be TEDIOUSLY PROLONGED AND REPETITIVE, DUE TO
      a slight AMOUNT of hystericism ON MY PART…

      apollonian: “…u’re hereby directed to go and drown urself…”
      corrected version: …YOU’re hereby directed to go and drown YOURself…

      Hope this helps,

    28. apollonian Says:

      “Spinzoid” Maggot Expresses Tellingly
      (Apollonian, 14 Jun 06)

      Hmmmm, okay, “Sponiza”–very impressive for all the writing and work u’ve gone to. And yes, ur msg did “help” a little–just more evidence to be considered in the inductive method, not disconfirming u’re Jew, I note.

      (1) So first we see u’ve deliberately drawn attn to urself–as if there was ever some real point u wanted to make, and now we see after several notes fm u exactly what all it is u’re attempting to convey–is this correct?

      (2) Just to be a white man, I will let u have yet another opportunity to say most simply to a candid public what u really have to conclude to. Jew, I’ll add u act like Jew pretending to psycho-analyze me–when u’re one who’s most hysterical schizoid character by far, who has no real info to offer patriots.

      (3) Thus “Spinozoid” I suggest u continue to fit inductive pattern suggesting u’re Jew: u act like it, talk like it, think like it…THE FAMOUS “DUCK” TEST (an instance of inductive logic at work).

      Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    29. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Fragment of a letter found in the ruins of Berlin in May ’45

      “……your prescient observations in Der Sturmer that the British and American Zionists and their Bolshevik allies intend the destruction of the Aryan race through race-mixing has been confirmed in an unorthodox way.

      You are aware of Reichmarshal Himmler’s deep interest in prognostication. Members of his scientific directorate are experimenting with a device called a ‘Krono Vizor’. This technical marvel permits the reconstuction of radio transmissions from the future! These transmissions are then desplayed in a radar screen.

      Doktor Fernseher has tuned the KronoVisor to a radio frequency called ‘MTV’. It is full of the most culturally debasing cacophony combined with degenerate visuals of congoid negroes disporting with lithesome Aryan women!! If this is an alternate future, we must deploy all available reserves to the Normandy front……”

      OK guys, a bit of a joke. But what I’m trying to say is that stuff like MTV is offensive wallpaper and its currupting message is being subliminally absorbed by many, particularly young women. Which is just what the jews want. Only white women can produce the next generation of world-beaters and world-masters.

    30. Spinoza Says:

      To apollonian and everyone else:

      The message I’m trying to convey in this and the previous reply is: Clean up your grammar and spelling if you wish to be taken seriously by an intelligent audience.

    31. apollonian Says:

      MTV Suggests Effective Art-Form, Style: Patriots Only Want Substance
      (Apollonian, 15 Jun 06)

      Actually, Warrior of Celtichood, I’d submit MTV is rather hopeful as new art-form–we patriots just gotta have our own substance and msg. Msg must be antisemitic. Thus large cultural movement must in general be RATIONALISTIC–antisemitism direct aesthetical parallel. Note then antisemitism becomes such virtuous styling all by itself.

      Presently, all we can do is philosophize for any who fall for race-mixing: THEY ARE THE WEAKLINGS AND IT’S ACTUALLY GOOD TO BE RID OF THEIR GENES FM WHITE GENE-POOL. Note there are still more white folk than ever, everything considered; it’s just historical cycles and trends we watch, and of course we detest the Jew–a good, healthy sign.

      But we also gotta see the essence of the Jew, subjectivism, by which Jew so brilliantly colludes and conspires with traitors among the gentiles. Subjectivism then is the element they share, Talmudic Jews actually worshipping it as in form of “midrash.”

      Spenglerian “Decline of the West” must continue a while longer, I’m afraid as we ready all possible resurgence; patience is great virtue, along with HONESTY in observance of objective world. After honesty for our premises, all we gotta do then is be logical, eh? Thus Ed Steele’s (ConspiracyPenPal.com) “it’s the Jews, stupid,” is outstanding first step in smoking out Jew accomplices and co-conspirators.

      CONCLUSION: Other than all that, I assure u and all brother patriots I will continue to keep close eye on white womanhood to see to it they continue in most healthful conduct possible or even imaginable. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    32. Olde Dutch Says:

      Appy, I want you to know I solved all my problems by becoming a Bohokunist. I wasn’t always a Bohokunist, but, then one day I decided what the heck, I would found my own religion called Bohokonism.

      I would be more than happy, to let you in on the theology of Bohokonism. Anyone even you can become a Bohokonist. For example, I’ve decided to make Alex Linder a Bohokonist. He really needs an all encompassing theology like Bohokonism to preach.

      Now, I will admit that a survivor of the bombing of Dresden named Kurt was the first Bohokonist—I got the idea from him. So now I told you he can’t sue me, even if he really didn’t invent Bohokonism.

      I hope you find this of interest…and ben shalom to you…that’s not Bohokonist by the way.

    33. apollonian Says:

      “Olde Dutch”: zero information value is ur post. A.

    34. Spinoza Says:

      33.apollonian Says:
      The 16th of June, 2006 at 12:33 am

      “Olde Dutch”: zero information value is ur post. A.

      why does assaholeian talk like yoda?

    35. Spinoza Says:

      oh, and another thing:
      assoholelian: are you incapable of typing in normal english?
      did my message about the need to write clearly and with good grammar and spelling mean nothing to you?
      if you can’t clean up your writing act, give it up: you are an embarrassment, and no one but a complete moron will take you seriously.
      (note: even a complete moron would be incapable of deciphering assholian’s word salads.)

    36. apollonian Says:

      “Spinoza” u speak platitutes hrd (and ignored) before–why didn’t u drown urself? Hey I hope u know we’re all antisemites (to a great extent) at this site; u’ve been warned. A.

    37. Spinoza Says:

      To the assaholeian who thinks he’s the god Apollo:

      Yes, you are an anti-semite.
      But you must be a black anti-semite, because you certainly type like one.
      Did you know that blacks are not liked here either? Well, now you know.
      If you are not black, you must have the brain of a black, because your writing style betrays it.
      Using word substitutes like “u” and “hrd” and leaving out certain articles and mangling certain verb forms is certainly the writing style of a black.
      Maybe you’re a wigger.
      Type like a white man or get the hell out