Kikes Try to Drag Christians Into Their Private Hell
Posted by alex in holocaust racket at 3:57 pm | Permanent Link
As we’ve said before, the minute kikes draw response to their provocations it’s “us” under attack. Kikes are very generous that way. Sorry, Hyman, you and the Muslims are on your own. The commentator here is wet-eared Shappy Shapiro, famous for encouraging every member of his generation but himself to go die for Israel.
28 April, 2006 at 2:45 pm
“Moralism”–Pretext For Judeo-Christian Mythology
(Apollonian, 28 Apr 06)
Yeah, I read through the column by dear kike Shappy–the guy recites all the establishment mythology so glibly, living in his little subjectivistic dreamworld, for sure–this is vintage Jew-culture and -mentality. Such Jew mentality is insane, but observe how well it works when there are suitable gentile collaborators and victims, so willing. Note how belief in “good-evil” fallacy-delusion then founds the creation of this mentality featuring all the made-up babbling and mythology. Honest elections and death to the Fed. A.
30 April, 2006 at 12:35 pm
The Fruit Of Subjectivism: Jews
(Apollonian, 30 Apr 06)
I should add this story on Shapiro is brilliantly well-taken as it’s such perfect example of Judaic subjectivism–they live in their own little world–so well and effectively, woe to the gentile. Shapiro is such accomplished “neo-con” so young and precocious, those wonderful Jews, u know–they’re just soooo brilliant.
“Well of course, all u good little Jew-worshippers remember ol’ Hitler, a really horrible guy, typical of uncouth gentiles, u know, such beasts they are.” Such subjectivity–it’s insane really, but look how effective it is on “Judeo-Christians”–which is so much how I was raised, affirmed by the T-V culture-mentality–at such tremendous contrast with reality and white-Aryan culture, as fm those antisemitic Greeks.
Hence the observation in fullest science is Judaism is subjectivism which Jews are so reluctant to admit; thus Jews collude directly and consciously w. subjectivists in gentile population AT SAME TIME as taking fullest advantage of population’s and culture’s general hubris and subjectivism, especially as it follows fm MORALISM, esp. Pelagian (“good-evil”) heresy-delusion, mental sickness, Oswald Spengler’s “Decline of the West.” Non- or anti-racism is just then another brainless heresy, typical of the heretical complex and systematic irrationalism.
Immanuel Kant, German Transcendental Idealism, and English Utilitarians were great rationalistic-styled subjectivists who paved the way for Jew-socialist political developments like communism and Zionism.
Then there was Hegel who understood the great dialectic process of thesis-antithesis, and we see Jew dictatorship is corollary, parallel, and consistent to subjectivistic “Decline of the West” in gross, utmost, abject hubris of heresy (also then Mammonist hedonism and mindlessness).
CONCLUSION: Thus the large abstract ideal is to resurge Western objectivity and rule-of-law by antisemitic rejection of subjectivity, reason properly founded upon the necessary objectivity. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
18 May, 2006 at 4:23 pm
Hitler had the right idea….quarantine on Madagascar. A simple way to eliminate 90% of the world’s problems.