24 March, 2006

WaPo Hires Conservative Plagiarist Domenech to Rightblog

Posted by alex in conservatives, media criticism, plagiarism, Washington Post at 4:10 am | Permanent Link

[If someone else wrote it, and it’s good, why reinvent the wheel?]

Almost immediately the liberal blogosphere exploded with outrage over Domenech’s hiring by the Post. But by Thursday bloggers had more than ideological reasons to oppose the Post’s move, as Atrios, Daily Kos and other sites uncovered brazen examples of plagiarism by Domenech when he was writing for a student weekly at the College of William and Mary. Ironically, the young right-winger was apparently fond of Salon’s arts criticism, at least, because he plagiarized film critic Stephanie Zacharek, and Mary Elizabeth Williams, writing about television.

Neither Domenech nor Post editors replied to requests for comment, and as of this writing, it’s not clear whether those plagiarism revelations will be enough to end the right-wing blogger’s MSM career. His defenders may say Domenech was only a college student when he made those mistakes. But there’s at least one instance in his post-college career when the blogger was accused of another major ethical breach — a charge that he fabricated a quote by “Meet The Press” host Tim Russert back in June 2002, in an attempt to get his hero, President Bush, out of a political jam. Article.

  • One Response to “WaPo Hires Conservative Plagiarist Domenech to Rightblog”

    1. libssuck Says:

      Yawn fascist libs’ ad hominem attack.