21 March, 2006

VNN: Blazing a Trail Out of the Mix

Posted by alex in graphics/toons at 2:33 pm | Permanent Link


  • 21 Responses to “VNN: Blazing a Trail Out of the Mix”

    1. Don Miller Says:

      If you like TrailMix, you’ll love Crackers.


      Yup, the hate just keeps piling up.

    2. edward Says:

      No matter how it is mixed,the end result is always the same—an undesirable mix of excrement.

    3. Paul C. Gorski Says:

      To Vanguardnewsnetwork,

      I take great offense to being listed on your website. Please remove this link immediately. I do not need business from sickos like you.

      Paul C. Gorski
      EdChange Social Justice Store

    4. Jim Says:

      You need to be chillin an shit. Hey, I forget, does the i in the last name mean you’re Polish or jew?

    5. Reader's Digress Says:

      Read Mr. Gorski’s bio at the bottom of this page: http://www.edchange.org/who.html

      Is he another zhid, a brainwashed white liberal lamb, or a just a guy fooling everyone while he makes an easy buck off the zhid’s social constructs?

    6. alex Says:

      Hey, Paul, you take down your store, we’ll take down our link.

      We don’t like seeing fags mocking the White race, especially when those fags are paid by the feds.

      Now go catch Q-RID and die, tweety.

    7. GB Says:

      Better call the feds on this one Gorski, I don’t think they are listening.

    8. alex Says:

      I’m guessing Gorski is a liberal Catholic who knows his way around a bathhouse.

    9. Paul C. Gorski Says:

      To Vanguardnewsnetwork,

      My lawyer will be sending you a cease and desist. I am also forwarding your web site URL to the FBI and my local congress rep. You and your members will regret setting up this online sewer you call the Vanguardnewsnetwork.

      Paul C. Gorski
      EdChange Social Justice Store

    10. A. Says:

      He sure sounds like a whiney little faggot. But it is good they get little cry babies with shrivelled up balls to teach the kids all this pile of communist, loxist, genocidal dreck, because when most kids see a whiney little faggot open his mouth, they assuredly won’t associate anything he says with anything of worth.

    11. Tim P. Says:

      Hey Alex, if the fag is serious. I’m good for a large chip-in on any incurred legal fees. He doesn’t have a case.

    12. GB Says:

      Maybe if we sent him a package of Jew Brand Trail Mix he might be appeased?

    13. alex Says:

      You can bleat & plead all day, homo Gorski, it won’t get you anywhere.

    14. GB Says:

      Sounds like Gorski is conspiring to deprive racially conscious Whites their civil rights.

      Oh, I forgot, racially conscious Whites don’t have civil rights.

    15. N.B. Forrest Says:

      I perused this fruit’s wares: shit emblazoned with pink triangles and the monstrously ugly mugs of Fast Freddie Douglass, Sojnuh Troof and kommie kikes Karl Marx & the delicious Emma Goldmann…..heh heh. Heh heh heh heh heh…..

      Word to Gorski: Throw a leg over the next baloney pony that passes by ‘n’ hump on out to Bareback Mountain for the big Kaposi Stampede – you’ll have a FABulous time, silly buns!

    16. alex Says:

      If we were a sewer, fruity pete would be doing laps!

    17. alex Says:

      —– Original Message —–
      From: Glen Turner
      To: Paul C. Gorski
      Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 8:03 PM
      Subject: Re: Hi Paul

      Aw, c’mon Pauli girl. The logic is solid! If race is meaningless, then there’s nothing to choose (or reject) between multiracial and homogenous societies. You, twink, are a lying hypocrite and are not humoured. Have a nice day, sweets. And give the cat some petting from me.


    18. alex Says:

      # alex Says:
      The 22nd of March, 2006 at 12:42 am

      Just got this in my in-box, a reader’s exachange with La Gorski…

      —–Original Message—–
      From: Glen Turner
      Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:37 PM
      To: contact@edchange.org
      Subject: Hi Paul

      If race is meaningless, then there’s nothing to choose (or reject) between multiracial and homogenous societies. The bio at edchange.org indicates that you are merely another sycophantic purveyor of Jewish hatred who is capitalizing on his boyish, good-looking “white-skin privilege� to sell ‘transformation,’ which is code for White genocide. No doubt the kids and silly female educationists at the Pavilion think of you as an innovative and courageous revolutionary ‘leader.’ We laugh at you because we know what you are. ;)

      Have a nice day, twink!

      —– Original Message —–
      From: Paul C. Gorski
      To: ‘Glen Turner’
      Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 7:55 PM
      Subject: RE: Hi Paul

      What’s really humorous about this is that you’re so void of any meaningful commentary that all you can is come after a person. Classic. And so, so intelligent.


      —– Original Message —–
      From: Glen Turner
      To: Paul C. Gorski
      Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 8:03 PM
      Subject: Re: Hi Paul

      Aw, c’mon Pauli girl. The logic is solid! If race is meaningless, then there’s nothing to choose (or reject) between multiracial and homogenous societies. You, twink, are a lying hypocrite and are not humoured. Have a nice day, sweets. And give the cat some petting from me.


    19. brutus Says:

      I’m calling my lawyer, too! And then the CIA and then Hal Turner. How dare you foul this blog with your AIDS-ridden sissy talk!

    20. Jim West Says:

      Mr. Gersky, please try out VNN for a month’s free trial. You’ll find a loving, diverse group of individuals here that are sure to welcome you (provided you’re white) so, just like TV game show host Bob Barker used to say, “Come on down!”

    21. Sunlit Heights » Blog Archive » The End is Here - Thank God! Says:

      […] Uniting by race means survival. Uniting by race means liberation from the trail mix.  Only the power of racial unity can blunt the advance of the blacks, Mestizos, and Jews. […]