28 March, 2006

Update: DJ Lenihan, Fired for ‘Coon’ Slip

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, Jewish Tyranny at 7:09 pm | Permanent Link

[Only in AmeriKwa, where fear rules. Like corporate employees mutually celebrating how hard they work, Americans celebrate their freedom. Note the use of ‘appropriate.’ This is a word beloved of the spineless, who also employ ‘respectable’ to the same end – dressing up cowardice.]

Things get worse for St. Louis radio host who used racial epithet

Stern calls him, gets suspended from other job

Associated Press

ST. LOUIS – If Wednesday was rough for fired talk show host David Lenihan, Thursday didn’t get much better. He was awakened at 5:30 a.m. by shock jock Howard Stern, who informed him he was on the air.

Stern wanted Lenihan to discuss his firing Wednesday for using a racial epithet in describing Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Lenihan had the morning show on St. Louis radio station KTRS.

“Howard Stern was most upset about it,” Lenihan said. “He told me to … sue these people. He said this is moronic.”

To top it off, Lenihan was suspended Thursday from his job at Logan College of Chiropractic, where he’s taught anatomy and neuroanatomy since September 2004.

Most of the day, Lenihan took calls from the media. A few white supremacists called him too.

Lenihan also got a call from associates of Larry Elder, a nationally syndicated, black conservative talk show host, who invited him for an interview.

Former KMOX announcer Frank Absher, who founded the St. Louis Radio Hall of Fame and teaches journalism at St. Louis University, said broadcasters and all media “assume the responsibility for speaking appropriately and for thinking before speaking.”

Before the 1980s, an announcer could lose a license for saying something inappropriate or offensive, he said. “Those standards are gone now,” he said. “It’s that simple. But they still have a responsibility to think before they speak.”

Station management also must be careful to hire appropriate people, he said.

Lenihan, who’d been in radio only three years, has chiropractic degrees and had moved to St. Louis for postdoctoral work on spinal cord injury at Washington University. He became a frequent listener of WGNU radio. One afternoon, he heard a talk show host make a remark about former NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson, whom Lenihan said he had met in Europe.

Lenihan said he wrote WGNU a letter, took up an argument, and the next thing he knew he was offered a job. He worked there for three years before starting two weeks ago at KTRS as a morning show host.

He said he has loved talk radio, but both careers are up in the air. Logan suspended him Thursday pending an internal investigation.

KTRS President and General Manager Tim Dorsey fired Lenihan on Wednesday, 20 minutes after he twice used the word “coon,” a racial slur. Both Dorsey and Lenihan have maintained that Lenihan was trying to say “coup” in describing Rice’s attributes for the commissioner’s job.

Dorsey reiterated Thursday that use of the word was “completely uncalled for and grounds for dismissal.

“We listened to the tape, listened again, and the word came out a second time,” he said.

He said the dismissal was “absolutely not” done for political reasons.

On the Net: www.ktrs.com

  • 6 Responses to “Update: DJ Lenihan, Fired for ‘Coon’ Slip”

    1. Harry Tuttle Says:

      You can use obscenity until you’re blue in the face. You could curse whites with every word in the English vocabulary. One word against the institutional designated favored class and you’re gone. It doesn’t matter what the context is, it is the thought that counts.

    2. alex Says:

      Like they say, every society has an orthodoxy. Depart from it, you’re busted. So the theoretics can prate all they want about starting your own radio station to compete, but as a practical matter, there is one ideology at a given time, and dissenters are marginalized, and kept on the margins by abuse and withheld advertising. This will continue until the fear of the jew is outweighed by the fear of the monsters the jew has loosed.

    3. Rage Says:

      The St. Louis paper reports that he and his wife have just joined the NAACP!


      Trust me, this race traitor is not martyr material.
      I’ve seen White groveling before but this makes your skin crawl.

    4. alex Says:

      He’s no martyr, that’s for sure.

      I wonder how much he paid the niggers to buy back his reputation.

      What a cuntry, this AmeriKwa!

      NAACP stands by fired radio host
      By Jeremy Kohler

      St. Louis NAACP leaders said this morning that KTRS radio overreacted by firing host David Lenihan over a remark about U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

      “This is an event that the press has blown out of proportion,” said NAACP chapter president Harold Crumpton.

      Seated next to him at news conference this morning was the organization’s newest members:

      Lenihan and his wife, Karen.

      “He doesn’t even say those words,” she said. “We’re just trying to find a way to make a positive out of this.”

      NAACP member Sam Moore said some people might find it strange that the organization had come to the rescue of a talk-show host who used the word “coon” while talking about Rice.

      “We’re gonna take some hits,” he said. “People are going to wonder why we are sticking up for my new found friend here. But I am in the forgiving business.”

      Said Lenihan: “One of the things I found truly amazing was the support these gentlemen have given me.”

      [Don’t you just love rule by jew-press & nigger-agitators?]

    5. Antron Says:

      Damn niggers! Always getting proper white men into trouble. Shoot those niggers!

    6. alex Says:

      Said Lenihan: “I’m very proud to be associated with this fine organization.”
      Eat crow and die … grovel, white boy, grovel!

      AmRenners blow off steam here: http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2006/03/radio_host_who.php#

      Radio host who used slur joins NAACP, wants job back
      By Jeremy Kohler
      Wednesday, Mar. 29 2006

      A week after being fired from his radio show for using a racial slur when
      talking about the nation’s most politically powerful black woman, David Lenihan
      returned to the microphone Wednesday.

      Lenihan appeared at a news conference held by leaders of the NAACP to call for
      his reinstatement at KTRS-AM (550), saying they believe he is sorry and that
      the incident provides a “teachable moment.”

      For his part, Lenihan said he and his wife, Karen, had joined the NAACP this
      week and that he wanted to help publicize a campaign to discourage drivers from
      fleeing police officers.

      “We think this is vital for the city of St. Louis,” he said.

      The six group leaders, sitting on either side of Lenihan, acknowledged that
      some people wouldn’t understand their support of a person whom many had branded
      as a racist.

      “I’m in the forgiving business,” added Sam Moore, an NAACP member.

      Absent from the news conference was the chapter’s vice president, Claude Brown.
      Asked later by phone how he felt about the development, Brown answered, “No
      comment on that.”

      Lenihan, who is white, obliged his new associates with a few words about the
      campaign, aimed at young urban drivers, called “411 on the 5-0.” (That’s street
      slang for information about the police.)

      Said Lenihan: “I’m very proud to be associated with this fine organization.”

      A week ago, Lenihan was on the air discussing the possibility of U.S. Secretary
      of State Condoleezza Rice becoming the next head of pro football. It would be a
      “big coon,” Lenihan said.

      He would explain that he meant to say “coup,” but that it morphed with “NFL” to
      become one of the last words he would say to radio listeners. At least for now.

      Lenihan was out of a job in 20 minutes. KTRS General Manager Tim Dorsey came on
      to tell listeners “there is enough hate.”

      That day, NAACP chapter President Harold Crumpton praised Dorsey’s quick ax.
      But Crumpton said Wednesday that he changed his mind after a chapter member
      said he had talked to Lenihan and that Lenihan had said he would like to have
      the group’s help.

      “God forgives us,” said member Elston McCowan. “David did exactly what we ask
      all Christians to do – seek reconciliation with the person we’ve offended. Who
      are we to continue to persecute him and his family?”

      Lenihan said he received calls from radio stations across the country but would
      take his job back if KTRS would have him.

      KTRS released a statement later that said both sides felt it best for Lenihan
      and the station to part ways. “We wish Dave the best,” said Dorsey, who would
      not comment further.

      On Wednesday, Lenihan and his wife repeatedly said they want something good to
      come out of the incident, and that they did not join the NAACP out of

      “Don’t you think that this is the way it should work out?” Crumpton asked

      Reporters covering the news conference could barely contain themselves.

      “What message do you think this sends to the African-American community?” asked
      Deneen Busby, news and community affairs director for KMJM-FM, the station
      known as Majic 104.9.

      Alvin A. Reid, city editor of the St. Louis American, asked NAACP leaders why
      they didn’t stick up for two black DJs for KATZ-FM (100.3) who were fired last
      summer after a series of on-air comments about fighting police officers.

      Crumpton’s reply: Those DJs didn’t ask for help. Lenihan did.

      Lenihan was grilled even more.

      “How old are you?” asked KMOV’s Craig Cheatham.

      “Thirty-eight,” Lenihan replied.

      “So, at 38, you just decide to join the NAACP?” Cheatham asked.

      Matt Sepic, a reporter for KWMU-FM (90.7), asked, “Mr. Lenihan, is this a
      publicity stunt to boost your career?”

      Lenihan’s wife shouted, “Oh, my God,” and buried her face in her hands.

      But her husband smiled and fielded the question.

      It was not publicity stunt, he said.

      jkohler@post-dispatch.com 314-340-8337