6 November, 2007

Primers for New Nationalists

Posted by Socrates in Primers for new nationalists, Socrates at 7:34 pm | Permanent Link

Due to some of the reader responses to the C.M. Mathey letter (below), these links have been compiled for new nationalists and a new category has been created for nationalist primers. Feel free to suggest links for the primer category:

“Who Rules America?” by the National Alliance: [Here]

“Seeing the Forest” by Dr. William Pierce: [Here]

“How It Fits Together” by Dr. Pierce: [Here]

“The Significance of the Holocaust” by Dr. Pierce: [Here]

The works of Dr. Pierce, sorted by year: text: [Here]; audio: [Here]

MuadDib’s primer (a .pdf file): [Here]

“The Jewish Problem” by Eric Thomson: [Here]

“The Jewish Question” by Birdman Bryant: [Here]

Articles by Dr. Kevin MacDonald: [Here]

About Brown v. Board of Education: [Here]

About civil rights laws: [Here] and [Here]

Solar General’s library about Jews: [Here]

Jewish Tribal Review: [Here]

Essay by VNN: [Here]

Jew Watch: [Here]

Communism is Jewish: [Here]

The Bolsheviks: [Here]

Book “My Awakening” by Dr. David Duke: [Here]

“The Color of Crime” report (a .pdf file): [Here]

Book “Race, Evolution and Behavior” by Dr. J. P. Rushton: [Here]

The Library of Creative Conscious Evolution: [Here]

Yggdrasil’s Library: [Here]

Book “March of the Titans”: [Here]

  • 18 Responses to “Primers for New Nationalists”

    1. r Says:

      Direct link to WHEN VICTIMS RULE:


      From the tapir’s mouth.

    2. Walter Thompson Says:

      Good list of primers. I would add: No Way Out But Through the Jews [Here].

      The preface to the Culture of Critique is enclosed in the MacDonald link. That piece might be important enough to have its own separate link [Here]. It’s what freed me from the matrix.

    3. Walter Thompson Says:

      Good list of primers. I would add: No Way Out But Through the Jews [Here].

      The preface to the Culture of Critique was enclosed in the MacDonald link. That piece might be important enough to have its own separate link [Here]. It’s what freed me from the matrix.

    4. Socrates Says:

      r Says: “Oh good Lord, ‘March of The Titans’? will you kids ever grow up?”


    5. New America Says:

      in reply to Socrates:

      Words fail to convey my gratitude to you for addressing a major shortcoming in WH2/M activities, a “one stop shop” for defining the foundational issues of who were are, and what we stand for.

      In the best of all possible words, this thread would be locked at the very top of this page.

      In the second best of all possible worlds, this thread would be followed by the locked in position “open thread” thread.

      In the third best of all possible worlds, VNN might want to look for a WP theme that does not waste two inches on the sides of the page.

      And, best of all, everyone would send Alex Linder some money, each and every month, at the addresses at the top and bottom of these pages.

      I fell short on that last month.


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    6. 2050 Says:

      yeah, i don’t get the March of the Titans crack either socrates. r must be a trolling anti.
      it’s a good list ending with a good book.

    7. jigaboos j. jigabooze Says:

      The International Jew by Henry Ford:


      Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony Sutton:


    8. abe foxman Says:

      Mein Kampf by everybody’s favorite uncle


      This says it all and addresses the diseases all present day whites are threatened by.

    9. Graham Wellington Says:

      The Arab world is far more beneficial to the US than Israel

      What did Churchill, Eisenhower, and de Gaulle say about the Holocaust?

      The most likely victim of a hate crime in the U.S. is a poor, young, white, single urban dweller

      Department of Justice Statistics

      What world famous men said about the Jews

      The Culture of Critique

      Do Jews Run Hollywood? You bet they do — and what of it?
      By Ben Stein

      Global Anti-Semitism Law

      The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 Jewish neocons

      Jews and Arabs are ‘genetic brothers’

      Civil rights-era anti-lynching law now used mostly against blacks

      The Race War of Black Against White
      [Blacks have committed at least 170 million crimes against white Americans in the past 30 years]

      Every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man

      We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish

      If there is an intellectual movement in America to whose invention Jews can lay sole claim, neoconservatism is it.

      President Nixon and Billy Graham talk about the “totally Jewish” media

      ZOG UK: Private Banker to the Prime Minister

      Number of Jewish lawmakers worldwide reaches record high
      [Britain, despite having a Jewish community 20 times smaller than that of the United States, has 59 Jewish members of parliament]

      Israeli billionaire Saban biggest donor to US politicians

      Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the man who conceived and directed the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, was motivated by his strong disagreement with American support for Israel, according to the final report of the Sept. 11 Commission.

      FBI probes Jewish sway on Bush government

      Rabbinical Council: During time of war, enemy has no innocents

    10. Graham Wellington Says:

      The ADL’s Rules for Discussing Nazis

      1) All Nazis are retarded stupid, but also mastermind complex schemes to take over the world, and if we don’t fight them, they will win.

      2) Everything Nazis say is insane, but we have to protect people from hearing it, as they might think it is sane, and select it the same way they might vote for one of our candidates.

      3) Nazis are socially retarded, they’ve failed in life, and they hate themselves, which is why they have picked an ideology which doesn’t focus exclusively on the self like every other ideology now.

      4) No one likes Nazis, everyone hates Nazis, everyone knows Nazis are bad, but in weak open-minded moments, people might start thinking like Nazis unless told explicitly and constantly not to.

      5) Even though Nazis are weak, they’re morons, they’re socially defective, etc. they are a major threat today.

      6) Democracy will defeat Nazism, because most people if told that Nazis are insane will vote against them, but we have to protect Democracy by fighting Nazis, otherwise people might pick the Nazis, and then become insane.

      7) Jews are never to be criticized, or critiqued, because that makes you a Nazi and you will have to be stripped of your job, thrown in jail, or otherwise persecuted to avoid other people being influenced by Nazi thought and made insane. But we have Freedom.

    11. Graham Wellington Says:

      The Arab world is far more beneficial to the US than Israel

      What did Churchill, Eisenhower, and de Gaulle say about the Holocaust?

      The most likely victim of a hate crime in the U.S. is a poor, young, white, single urban dweller

      Department of Justice Statistics

      What world famous men said about the Jews

      The Culture of Critique

      Do Jews Run Hollywood? You bet they do — and what of it?
      By Ben Stein

      Global Anti-Semitism Law

      The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 Jewish neocons

      Jews and Arabs are ‘genetic brothers’

      Civil rights-era anti-lynching law now used mostly against blacks

      The Race War of Black Against White
      [Blacks have committed at least 170 million crimes against white Americans in the past 30 years]

    12. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      ‘r’ has got issues.

      Mr Wellington… Brilliant list! Sad but true. As usual, the masses don’t get it.

      Imho, best article existing on the Jewish-Bolshevik “Russian” Revolution is Max Hadden’s “Pay No Attention to the Jews Behind the Curtain… the Iron Curtain” here:


    13. Sandor Says:

      r –
      You seem to have a fine intellect and good ideas. You also engage in one-upmanship, unsupported criticism and some backhanded compliments that make it seem to some that you are an ‘anti’ of sorts. I don’t think that is true. What can you tell us about your intentions?

    14. Gerald E Morris Says:

      Good call on “r.” Clearly a defeatist. Include Pierce’s “Why Revolution is Necessary” in this list. It is. The kikes and their stooges aren’t going to just die off or quit.

    15. Anonymous Says:



      Stormfront cooties!

      Icky poo!

    16. Misanthrope Says:

      Defensive Racism by Edgar J. Steele (an intelligent, well written examination of where we are headed).

      The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (a detailed plan for jewish world conquest).

      Gerorge Lincoln Rockwell’s White Power and This Time The World (both are dated but material is still relevant).

    17. VNNB Says:

      If you have a newsaxon.org profile go and see my list of books there for d-load…..


    18. zoomcopter Says:

      I liked the link provided by Feral White Man to shankradioworldwide with the article Pay no attention to the Jews behind the Curtain…The Iron Curtain. I learned at least two things from that link. The first being the link between the brutal killing of 15 million Ukrainians in 1932-33 and the formation of the Nationalial Socialists in 1933. The Russian jews Lazar Kaganovich and Yan Yakovlev (epstein) organised the enforced famine against the people of Ukraine and the Germans became acutely aware of their mortal enemy, Jewish Communism. Jews waged genocide against the Ukrainians and the Germans understood that they were next on the Jewish hit list, so they responded accordingly. The second thing I learned from the link, was the extent of cruelty and torture the jews showed towards Russian Orthodox Priests, such as, gouging their eyes out, nailing their intestines to a wooden post and forcing them to run until they were completely eviscerated, boiling Christian Priests alive and forcing the monks to drink the broth. I think these links should be readily available for all to see and learn from. Millions of people have needlessly died for lack of knowledge.